
How is file management handled? The major differences between tablet vs desktop computing is how we handle files. While on desktop filetypes can be found in any place where as on tablet/mobile, there is no file structure and files are contained within apps.

Am I the only one that thought it said "Pending Resignations" on the screen at 0:13? Pending terminations?

This should have been #1. This video is so epic.

I wonder how long it will take to have this commercial yanked off air. I'm sure some safety group will dictate how it promotes unsafe driving.

Wow, that doesn't sound that bad. Just read some of the Canadian comments about our carriers.

@duurtlang: Completely agree. I also think they continue to move in the wrong direction on the details. When they came out in 01' you could put a classic and new side by side and the details made sense. Now there is nothing to relate to the classic design.

Sure, because racing on a video game is close enough to real driving...

I think the craziest one I've been in was during the Storm of 1993. There was a line of traffic from Tennessee to Atlanta due to the massive snowstorm.

@MajesticTrout: Yes, I'm glad someone said it. Nobody wants sweaty foot juice on the windshield or dash either!

First car I remember was an old Lincoln Town Car

@Hoser Dave: Glad someone brought him up. When you look back 30 years from now, I don't think you'll see anyone who's been as dominating in a sport as Loeb.

I'm surprised the big automakers aren't putting more pressure on the regulatory boards of each region to standardize regulations. Considering they could be saving hundreds of millons of dollars not having to make cars specific to each market.

Ah good ol GM, destroying production versions since 1980. The concept actually had me impressed enough to want to check it out in person, but the production version destroyed all symmetry for me. Also why the hell did they feel the need to soften every single detail because the concept had great hard corners and

If this guy got laid at the Sundowner, i'd be impressed. Poor guy must have spent a fortune.

I think it has a bad case of schizophrenia. It can't seem to decide what it wants to be and just appears to be a mishmash of every car that has come out in the past couple years.

They stopped the timer at least 100ft before where they started it. Thats at least a good few seconds after that turn to accelerate out of that corner. I'd say add a good 2-3 seconds to that time to be fair.

Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat. Arcade Version.

I had the pleasure of driving a 91 Pontiac 6000. Think it had about 150hp but it felt fast. The only problem was that the dashboard would vibrate so violently over 70mph I was more worried the dash would snap off rather than crash the car.

When I first saw the name it immediately thought it was the TOYOTA VEZNA.