
Telling your ex you cheated was a pretty selfish thing to do. Your relationship was over, you should have let it stay over. Telling your ex was to relieve yourself of guilt, while rubbing his or her face in the fact that you cheated on them. So, now your ex feels worse while you feel better.

Very much looking forward to this — looks like a lot of new stuff to have fun with. Haters can hate and rage while I'm having fun :D


Really? You expect a ridiculous search to give you exceptional results? FPS as a search term? Frames per second?

The problem is twofold with this — 1) There is no way to actually tell who performed the update, which is vital in terms of the contract and 2) if you're under 18, the contract isn't valid anyway. How many 360 users that perform the update are under 18? So, yeah, they can put it in there, but it won't stop lawsuits

The option is that the movie makers no longer allow anyone to see or read or play anything early. This has nothing to do with freedom of information, as there was no restraint on the type of information the reviewers could provide their readers, it was simply a timing issue.

The best reason is that you're attempting to get a critical mass of coverage at the time of release — early reviews, good while they may be, begin to spread the word out over too long a period. Towards the release date, there is a certain fatigue that sets in that cancels out that impulse to go see a hot film. This

Listen, if you accept a favor from someone based on an agreement — you need to honor that agreement, end of story. The New Yorker is wrong here. Trying to control reviews is wrong, but allowing someone early access in return for simply agreeing to a date in which it can run is NOT the same thing.

If you want a fun board game on consoles, I recommend Culdcept — Monopoly meets Magic.

Considering your dashboard will look completely different starting tomorrow, you should probably wait to complain.

... so, it's a fail simply because it will take 3 or 4 months to implement?

I get a lot of deck building games, and 423 cards is huge for a single set! Def on my radar.

Show me the data. Without that, you're simply making an assumption.

The reason is because one part of the joke targets a huge subset of the population that has no choice whether they are female or not — the other part targets a negative subset of humanity who makes the choice to be bullies. You've got to be able to see the difference.

Yeah, it was a stupid joke — but, his response was worse. You just say you're sorry, you don't attempt to defend something indefensible.

Have you seen his past reviews?

Not my type of game ... I see the appeal, but I'm a story guy at heart — or, at the very least, a character guy. I'm very thankful a game like this is successful, though. More variety in gaming can only be a good thing - so, rock on, Minecraft!

Ooooh, Indiana Jones! I'll play anything Indiana Jo ... what? Zynga?

The big games are still there and still selling, no one really sees a need. Console changes cost a lot for companies, developers and retailers. It takes years to recoup the costs. The longer they wait, the better pretty much for everyone. It makes the industry stronger — as long as good games are still being made and

No, because there is a significant cost to making sure it works on that platform and supporting it after launch. It the units you sell can't match that cost, it's not worth it.