
"Sacrificing a WHOLE platform just for fucking profits?"

Wait, you're suggesting that Super Mario 3D is no good because it's 30fps? Have you even played it? Most games on consoles run around that speed — very, very few are at 60. Wow. Unrealistic expectations ftw

I don't see this as an F you ... it sounds like a business decision. It costs X to do port, we expect to sell Y which won't pay for X. Nothing to be upset about ... companies make these decisions all the time.

Picked up Corpse Party ... I had been waiting for that :D

Just KoF13 this week ... hoping for Tekken Hybrid and Skyward Sword for Christmas, though :)

That's irrelevant — these are people going out of their way so that they CAN kill kids in games. That's very different. If you can't see that, you have some issues to work out.

Just FYI - Best Buy has Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep and Dissidia 012 - both for the PSP - for just $9.99 right now. It also includes God of War Ghost of Sparta

You know, I havent had a single problem playing BF3 on the 360. I know people are reporting issues, but I must just be getting lucky.

Mairead Nesbitt is an amazing Celtic violinist who can dance far more vigorously while playing perfectly ;)

It's not the same loss in profits. When I trade in used games, there is still just my copy of that game - and , it primes an economy in which people buy more new games. I buy a lot more new stuff because I can trade in my used games - I buy 95% new, and I buy a lot. There are a lot of people like me.

See, they had me before the last sentence. If they're fighting against used games, then the DLC should be free for all new purchasers - otherwise, it's not really fighting used games, is it? It's just a revenue stream. He's really sending a mixed message here that is a little irritating.

The Kinect will work with the new system, guaranteed.

Vergilocity? Is that the speed Virgil flies off the screen when Nova hits him?

Mwah-hahaha I'll take you on with my Nova team ... as long as Nova is on it, I don't need anyone else.

Some fighting games only have 12 characters - this adds that many, plus the Heroes & Heralds mode that looks awesome, plus the fun of the Galactus mode. Definitely worth the purchase.

It has Nova, that makes it an automatic buy. Rocket Raccoon being in it is like finding out the cake isn't a lie.

The game is getting relatively good reviews from disparate sources, so I'm not sure where the hate is coming from, other than — if it's not something YOU want, then it must be bad.

It's amazing how eyes can be deceived. Just consider that.

Greed is never good. Greed is about having more than you need. People need to realize that there are finite resources in this world. When people have more than they need, it automatically follows that people have less than they need.

Since it's a game, isn't it the same as wearing fake fur, something PETA prefers?