
Just Skyrim for me this week, although who knows when I'll actually get to play it. In the middle of Dead Island right now, have a huge back log, and I'm rushing to finish a screenplay :/

Well, they've got their money - if it doesn't work out, they can leave and start a new company. Of course, they'd lose all the IPs they were working on. However, as far as video game overlords go, Ubisoft seems to be the best choice. Albeit, this opinion comes from my limited knowledge of the big companies ...

I didnt get into it. To much micromanaging crap - eat now, work out now, blah. I liked the story and character, but there is a reason those mechanics and systems were taken out ...

I have the same problem with Yakuza! Why not set it in Miami? Or Paris?

Can't wait to master Nova! :D

Sorry, the best-selling game genre cannot be the most hardcore game type ... that just doesn't work.

again, not misogyny - misogyny isn't an act against women, it's a the act of a person who hates, distrusts, or dislikes women. It's a specific, wholly separate thing.

It is a pretty easy line to draw as they are two different things. The comparison would be suggesting that someone pick pocketing a person is pretty much the same thing as someone shooting a person and taking their wallet. Yes, the theft of the wallet is the same in both cases but the violence is something completely

That is completely untrue as a generalization. It may be true in some cases, but what you're saying is that women, in general, hate themselves because of their own fixation with how women look and that they often like highly sexualized images.

I'm sorry, it's hard for to take seriously an editorial where the writer doesn't seem to understand the definition of misogyny. The constant misuse damages her argument and creditibility.

I was going to hold out and wait for this, except the game was on sale at Best Buy for $10 one day ... hard to pass that up


""Innovation bias" (or the lack thereof) is certainly worth keeping an eye on, but I don't get the feeling that it's responsible for Rocksmith's middling reception."

If it's a higher cost because of the cartridge and it really is a throwback game, I'm ok with it — however, I think some non-fans that might have been interested in it might be priced out of the picture. I'll buy it, but I'm not sure it's the best choice for them.

You think reality TV is real, too — don't you?

Uncharted, LotR, and Fate for me ... I want Sonic & James Noir, too, but I may have to wait.

Battlefield 3 if I get some time — most likely some Skylanders, as well.

I can tell you the one's I love: Small World, Ascension, Ticket to Ride, Ghost Stories, Neuroshima Hex, Money, Medici, and Zoloretto. Those are the ones I play the most :)

Not the Sims, SimCity - big difference.