
You can demo it and get your characters to lvl 5 for free as a demo; full game is $9.99

Considering that the man also quoted a Pokemon movie theme song as being from a great poet, I think it's more unlikely that it is a coincidence. SimCity probably inspired one of his advisors to suggest it - he may not have known (just like the Pokemon quote), but it doesn't change the fact that a game was the

I think you mean Assassin's Creed Rearmed :)

Sweet! I love board games on my iPad — they're the main type of game I buy. There are some awesome options.

haha I actually have this on my wish list at Amazon

Perhaps the multiple characters you play are in the same time period, maybe you play different characters through the decades. That would definitely make it something new - think of the soundtrack for that! Evolving architecture, a growing city, etc.

The early levels of all the Kinect Sports games are like this — I remember how I used to laugh at how easy soccer was, until the levels started going up.

Wait, wait ... now recommendations to buy are being given to games that haven't even been played yet? Seriously? I personally have the game pre-ordered, but I have to reassess how I'm viewing this new feature if you guys aren't even checking the games out first.

For people that don't have a enough large HDD - remember, some 360s were sold without any drive at all.

Picking up Battlefield 3 for sure — there are several others I want (DBZ, Infamous, Kinect Sports S2, Dance Central 2) but they will probably have to wait. Too much coming out.

Let me introduce you to a concept: all games are cash grabs.

I'm really liking Skylanders, personally. I'm even considering getting the 3DS version.

Except that the game is actually good.

It's worth it, at least to me. Here's a hint if you decide to get it today or tomorrow - Toys R Us has their buy 2 get one free event going on. It includes the figures! You could get the game, one of the three packs and get the adventure pack for free - that would give you 7 characters!

Is this what we call jumping the shark?

I wouldn't be surprised to see it set in LA instead of Tokyo ...

Listen, I'm a writer with options on my screenplays - I get owning your material. What I don't get is an asshole who totally disregards the people who made him. There is no downside to releasing those films other than his own ego. The changes are universally panned, so the only reason he doesn't release the originals

and Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girls :D

She is awesome on Castle w/ Nathan Fillion :)

Guess you forgot the one little detail: the FANS made him what he is ... he was able to build his empire from all the people that went to see those films.