
I would like to stop getting stuck in the world geometry every game, as well.

It's a good article, and not nearly the controversial flame bait we've seen before - especially if people happen to read the whole thing. I especially appreciated Isamu's response at the end.

I believe you fail at reading - a rep said this was NOT from the mobile versions. Hint, hint.

I know visually he's not the same, but I could Harrison Ford playing Sully, periodically saving Drake's butt :)

Or, you could just buy the game. Look, this isn't a new thing ... I sunk a ton of money into Eye of Judgement along with the expansions and cards. You just have to ask yourself if it's worth it.

I've played both to completion — and I've now played Skylanders - it's a great game, especially for kids. The blind person is you, because you haven't even played the game and you're trying to pass judgment.

That's what the game is ... the figures and the ability to use them across all platforms. I mean — that IS the game.

Considering I've run both a toy store and a video game store, I don't really see what you're talking about at all.

If you have a chance to get the pirate expansion, it's worth it — not only does it give you an extra chest every level and ghost swords to help you fight, the land shark character Terrafin has a move where it goes underground and swims around with it's fin sticking up while humming a riff on the Jaws theme lol

I love all the negative comments from people that haven't played it lol It's a legitimately good game. The reviews have been very accurate.

No, the action figures actually have small chips in them that track and store stats so that you can use them across platforms or even at a friends house. The figure you place on the portal is literally the one that appears in game.

The game plays a lot more like Gauntlet than a platformer. Jumping isn't really an issue because it's not about jumping.

Activision paid a ton of people to be in stores demoing the units — they have massive displays at all Targets and Walmarts. There are major commercials on all the kids networks. The kids are definitely talking about it.

There are a few exclusives — but not that bad. The exclusive at Best Buy is an additional multiplayer vs. arena.

I have to say after 4 hours of playing this with a child - I love it. Yes, it is easy, but it really is fun to play and there is a lot of coolness to developing your characters. I'd recommend it as well.

I played it for 4 hours yesterday - it IS a fun game, the exploration, the growth of the characters, the choice of new abilities, the variety ... it's a good time, it is just rather easy.

We mere humans do not deserve this game.

Getting Batman on Tuesday, although who knows when I'll actually get to play it.

Until you look at how ludicrous all of his suggestions are.