
Ashcraft, you know I love you man ... I bought your books, love your writing - but, this is a little ridiculous. I'm getting plenty of playtime out of my 3DS and it works great. Of course there will be a revision, but nothing has even been announced yet.

Whine all you want. The cost of this thing isn't that bad and the game line-up they announced yesterday virtually guarantees the success of the 3DS.

You know the battery goes INSIDE the device ... You don't have to carry it around. It'll probably be used at the same level as a TV remote since it's not powering anything heavy, so it'll last you months. Seriously, that's just a ridiculous complaint.

Yes, because the game magically disappears if you don't get it day 1.

Don't be so sure of that ...

Mario Kart 7 for the 3DS was shown ... out before Christmas.

Freedom of speech and control over individuals has everything to do with it. A creative industry isn't very good at being creative when they have to watch every single thing they have to say — and, guess what? Creating games is a creative industry.

I only laughed because it's true.

I'd buy and play that in a heartbeat.

Mentioned in the article: Michigan: Report from Hell

Picking up The Gunstringer, I had fun with the demo — plus, you get get Fruit Ninja Kinect! Also getting the Magic expansion on Wed.

These game companies are creating a large number of their jobs in the US — and they're exporting goods, which brings more money into the country. We need companies like this. As I posted in another thread, they MAY be getting to big a break — I'm not qualified to judge that, but they deserve some incentives to keep

I'll offer a counter-view to the oil companies questioning of why games get subsidies - game makers are actually one of the few companies that are creating products in America that are being exported. They often hire in country. They set up shop in country. And, they have a relatively low environmental aspect.

I think the point is that there are dozens of FPS that comeout every year and most of them fail.

wtf, seriously? Why even freaking use the name — it's like XCom all over. Let's not even bring up that abortion they called Wing Commander on XBL that had nothing to do with Wing Commander.

And by sell, you mean for free if you Pre-ordered. You always had the option.

Wrong analogy, the code was hacked to see it. So, if you want to use a DVD, it would have to be that someone ripped the disc then looked at the data that made up the disc and then saw it. There is no way to just accidentally see in a normal use at all. It takes time and effort to find it using skills and programs most

Actually, they're trying to piece together who she WAS. Listen to it again.

I'd also like to point out ... The woman is dead. She's not an ongoing character. Chris clearly says at the end, "Who was she?" while Jill is standing near blood splatter. I'm guessing the story has Jill retracing the woman's last steps before her end. But, we'll see.

Let's do a survey of horror movies and the females that are set up to be killed/stalked/scared ... oh, so, so a horror game filled with horror tropes is providing a secondary character that is also a trope.