
Really? Point out a SINGLE statement that shows me standing up for anything about this. Just one, do it ... you can't, because I didn't. I just pointed out pretty simply how stupid your statement was.

Again, go research some law before you start spouting more fallacies. It doesn't make you look good.

You're wrong — the greatest threat isn't "jackbooted thugs," in a nation as weaponized as America that would cause a violent uprising. The greatest threat is the slow usurping of individual rights while people are brainwashed to think corporations are doing things in their best interest. The greatest threat is that

It's basically the name of a file while a guy was working, to link that to an industry is patently ridiculous.

Plagiarism refers to words ... And, painting in a style similar to someone else's is not theft if no direct elements were stolen. Just because it was influenced by another work doesn't make it illegitimate.

Incorrect. You create controversy by writing a headline you know will generate conversation even though you know for a FACT the headline is misleading. That headline was completed and utterly weighted and skewed. It wasn't anything approaching an even-handed comment.

Omfg ... The company came out and said it was inexcusable .. What freaking more do you want?

I was thinking the exact same thing.

What are you going to do, monitor a persons language and thoughts 24/7 to make sure no one you employ ever tells or thinks of a bawdy or insensitive joke? Seriously? Just turn the world over to the thought police, why don't you.

There is no audience for this! That's the point ... Basically, you have to break into the code to see it.

Sexism and racism are completely allowed under something we call free speech, heard of it? We don't go legislating the types of jokes people make. The company corrected the issue for release. End of story.

... This is the worst headline I've ever seen on Kotaku, and I am embarrassed for you. Has Kotaku become the National Enquirer of game sites?

World of Warcraft says hi. It was in development about 5 years.

Except Working Designs never made any games, they just localized Japanese games.

Where's my Mitsuru?

Because, the launch window games haven't even been announced, because you don't know that the hardware won't start exhibiting some flaw a month after release, In fact, we don't know anything yet. So, to say this is how you launch a system is ignorant when the launch could up being a disaster.

No, this is beyond that ... A 30 goes to a game that's near unplayable. It's a ludicrous score, period.

The Edge review is just patently ridiculous, to the point of it being a joke. It's like the reviewer had a personal grudge.

You should probably wait until AFTER the launch to say that.

Are we sure that this isn't just a peripheral that Capcom is putting out, like the GunCon from Namco? I'm not sure that this in any way means there will be a hardware revision.