SE may have chosen the route rather than not have the product sold. We don't know.
SE may have chosen the route rather than not have the product sold. We don't know.
But, that's my point - we don't know the whole story. They may have contacted SE and said, we have one of two choices: we don't sell it or we take out your coupons. What would you like? SE probably would say, take out the coupons. But, we just don't know yet - no one has asked that question and gotten a response.
Oh my gosh, stop releasing stuff on Sept 27! That day is loaded now. Still, I'll have to find a way to afford this.
I know it seems easy to jump on the bandwagon here, but ... I expect that SE and GS executed a marketing agreement, because GS had tons of promotional materials up. If this is a breach of that contract in any way, then GS may be in their rights.
Turn based, huh? Hmmm ... Maybe I'll buy a new iPad game after all. I had been waiting for the release of Cyclades, but this is interesting.
Kingsburg is a great gateway game, but the expansion adds tons of replayability.
I'm glad they're taking more time to work on it. Can't wait for some Rancor smash action, though lol
Cyclades is amazing! The new co-op Lord of the Rings living card game is fun, Kingsburg with the expansion I have a good time with, Runebound and Runewars are cool, Ghost Stories is a great co-op board game, but hard .... I just Pre-ordered Fortune & Glory, that looks awesome.
They should have engraved MH stuff on the 360, that would have sold a bunch.
Ah ... I love - I buy almost as many board games as video games these days. There are some amazing games out there with tons of variety.
Nah, it's gonna pass us. Might impact the upper east coast, though
You're totally missing the point. Gamification isn't about game companies, it's about the money and influence of advertisers coming into games. It changes everything. So, you sell stuff to kids, now this game you're advertising is has something you find objectionable so you use your financial influence to direct the…
What I was getting at was more along the lines that, simply because someone has a title or position, it doesn't mean we should give them a platform. This is an advertisement as editorial ... It's not from someone that has studied the subject or doesn't have a financial interest in it ... He directly benefits from…
Point anyplace that I said that selling was bad. I said it was fine, but people need to be aware that there is an agenda behind what he is saying - a financially motivated agenda. Please read more closely in the future.
Wait, wait, wait ... Because someone has a title they should automatically be paid attention to?
The only thing left out, and it usually is left out of these sorts of persuasion pieces, is how gamification really benefits gamers and the art that is games. It doesn't really, it benefits everyone but ... Creative mediums are usually destroyed when you bring in big companies and advertisers.
Yep, I got them, although I'm not sure they are making them any more. Anyway, you can get the 2 part set on Amazon for $15 a piece or so ... That's like 700 minutes per set! Pretty good value.
You may want to investigate the plot a bit more — you can pick sides. You don't always have to go against God. But, again, it's them shaping it as myth, the same way we use the Greek gods in games and the like.
Haha — I was about to mention Galaxy Rangers ... it was fantastic! You can actually buy the whole series on DVD. There are still a few series that never made it that far.
It's already in the mail set to be delivered to me tomorrow :D