
I'm a Christian, but I can understand the concept of fiction — a "what if" story, if you will. I'm not praying to or worshiping the game.

Deus Ex and Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked for me this week — there are soooo many games coming out between now and the end of September, I don't know what to do. Atelier Totori, Persona 2, Resistance, Dead Island, and more ... arghhhhh

Relocating employees is a valid business expense.

I think a big part of the story here is that they are a registered non-profit, so your donations are tax deductible ...

There has been an update since this was first announced, so someone may have accessed the store prior to the date but not accessed the update that actually REPORTS the status. So, that would delay them.

I'm getting it for the 360 because of who I play with, unless it ends up being significantly better on the PS3

Nice, I'm jealous!

For those who like these sorts of games, Sengoku Basara for the PS3 is $16.13 w/ free standard shipping on Amazon.

I hope BF3 does well, it's the one I'm picking up :p

Really? It goes from standing on it's own with an innovative HUD that really helps to another generic modern shooter? How is that an improvement? My excitement level for this just dropped majorly.

If you hire a screenwriter it's considered in development.

Here's a little more about him:

It's already been confirmed - the screenwriter was announced.

The movie isn't rumored, they have a screenwriter Josh Oppenheimer ... The same guy that's doing Uncharted ... And did a bunch of other so-so movies.

In the interest of cultural exchange, I find it imperative that we get this releases here in the US. Come on Atlus of XSeed!

You have no idea how badly I wanted to like X-Blades, I tend to love games like that ... it was one of those few games I just had to stop playing I disliked it so intensely. Maybe I just didn't get it or something, but it just seemed so bad to me.


When you set those pics to the actual size of the 3DS screen, I think they look fine.

So has he.

Here's the thing, and I'm not sure they get it, I don't want home console gaming in the palm of my hand - I have home con ole gaming at home. I want appropriate handheld style gaming for portables. If the game is designed that way, great! But, many aren't ... And, I think that is part of the reason handhelds are