
Yeah, I'll get this.

In what way does it seem a waste? It's cheaper for Namco, it's cheaper for the buyer, and it gives total control to the consumer.

I'll def be getting this — I recently played through all three in the HD collection and had a blast!

I think the better comparison is owning a car or riding a bus. A digital copy is nothing more than a rental. You can't move it, you can't lend it out, and if the company decides to drop support, you're screwed.

Yeah, there is a total disconnect between what companies like Sony and Netflix want and with what the ISPs out there will provide.

Bzzzzt ... Instant no-buy for me. I don't mind paying $5 for a digital game on my iPad, but I'm not paying $40 for one on a handheld. I like my game collection, I like being able to share my games, and I like being able to sell them to buy new games.

Ah, if only I were rich enough to spend the thousand plus it would take to get it to look that way. Congrats to those who can, though. Looks nice!

You're just being ridiculous. All games are BS in the end. I could nitpick any game to death ... Or I could just sit back and enjoy them. You go ahead and rant all you want, all your words and time serve exactly no purpose. You're like one of those people spending time arguing why Superman can't fly. It's a ridiculous

That sure is what it looks like ... Could be fun.

Except that you forget they have all the other engineering knowledge that they had gained over the last 100 years.

It is not. $20 on Amazon. It's got a pretty cool mechanic where you're given a level to build, then the other person has to knock it down. The launcher works pretty well.

I just got the Angry Birds board game. It's actually kind of fun with kids ... just thought I would mention that.

Yes, Capcom is still officially calling them reveals — so, what I mean is an actual trailer with game play and their designs. We know they are going to be releasing a trailer for 2 characters, but we don't know which one's yet. Then we'll probably get more at TGS and NYCC.

Hoping Nova or Rocket Racoon is revealed tomorrow for UMVC3 ... And that EA surprises us with Mirror's Edge 2

What I understand is that people reacting this way is the problem — people have anger issues they don't know how to control. Discretion is lost in this day and age.

He's no better because it's that kind of language that ends up engendering violence. A THING was stolen, a game device — hardly worth death. If you don't mean it, don't say it — it's a simple principle.

Nothing until Deus Ex and Devil Survivor Overclocked next week ... El Shaddai looks very cool, but I didn't enjoy the demo, unfortunately.

Yeah, basically ... that's how I see this playing out.

It's actually not that hard to get domain names taken back from squatters when the domain name uses an already trademarked name — so, Wii and Nintendo ... yeah, not gonna last.

Sengoku Basara is on sale at Amazon for $16 w/ free standard shipping. If you like Dynasty Warrior style games, it's a good deal.