
I'm planning on getting Gunstringer — and since Fruit Ninja is free when you buy that game, I'm going to have to wait a month :(

Let me point out this suggestion from a doctor: On average, a real contraction lasts from 30 seconds to one minute each. Typically, you'll start off with four to six contractions in one hour. When you have four to six contractions for two hours in a row, it's time to call the doctor.

No, they wouldn't have - parents that are well educated know how to count contractions in order to understand 1) whether it is false labor or 2) when they need to go to the hospital. In fact, you don't NEED to go to the hospital at all — lots of people have their babies at home or specialized locations.

I think you're completely right — people are being educated by TV shows where the parents freak out and rush to the ER.

This is why school's need to retain health classes.

It's sad how little people know about biology - this is why health classes need to be retained in school.

I love how you're speaking for millions of people. Do you have their names somewhere? Do you even have any data to indicate that what you're saying has any basis in reality.

This is a bit different than that — they're both computer games with a fantasy setting. That is enough for a more legit claim ... this isn't like they're going after a novel or a piece of technology.

She did get it right — first off, regardless of what some people are stating here, really young kids shouldn't play uber-violent games ... most rational, responsible people agree with that; the media kids absorb does affect their development.

Why would you assume it's post-apocalypse rather than another planet or just a wind farm in the desert?

Yeah, I get several every time I go to EPCOT - but I got like a dozen or more at the Star Wars weekend lol it was a bit of geek overlap, I imagine lol

That's why I mentioned I was at Disney ;) I was doing street passes, so it was closed for most of the day being jostled around by miles of walking and crazy rides - opened from time to time to take 3D pictures. So, it's gone on vacation with me several times.

Ha ha - it's a brilliant trick — if everyone pays above the average, the average begins moving up meaning people end up paying more as it goes along, yet the early buyers are rewarded.

I've had my 3DS since launch ... It's trekked with me through EPCOT twice and Star Wars days at Disneys Hollywood Studios - I've yet to see this happen. It may indeed be a reality, but not something I've faced as a heavy 3DS user.

You didn't read my post very closely, regardless ... You're somewhat incorrect in your analysis. Birthrates in industrial nations are going down, meaning the actual median age of the entire population is moving up. So, if you want to maintain marketshare, you need to skew from the 9 to 11 year olds to the upper teens.

You're all wrong, and let me tell you why ...

I'm not a tech guy, I have no idea if this guys software can do what he says ... But, I find it really humorous when someone says something can't be done. It inevitably is done at some point. Clearly the guy is trying to raise funding, but that's how it works. That's business. It doesn't mean his tech is useless or a

I'm actually looking forward to this one, too — although, I'll have to wait to hear a bit more about it as the release gets closer.

No one needs to worry about the 3DS price drop unless it doesn't start selling after it goes down. Then worry. Otherwise, it's just a price correction. No biggie.

The Xbox Live fee is a cost for infrastructure use, not just games. Again, that doesn't change the original statement, anyway.