Clearly you don't understand what an analogy actually is ... That's a little sad. I wasn't using an analogy.
Clearly you don't understand what an analogy actually is ... That's a little sad. I wasn't using an analogy.
By that definition, no game is free because you have to pay for an Internet connection.
Facts are facts. Personally, I could care less what you do ... But it is annoying when people make up false things to cover for the illegality of their actions. Feel free to do some research on non-emu sites.
It does have a date, it's out in August - it's already completed and boxed and on the boat. Furthermore, I don't know why the post is trying to make it sound like this is some sort of fly by night operation making some GoW themed Monopoly. Fantasy Flight Games is an excellent publisher that really supports their…
Did you miss the entire paragraph whe he said he was scouring the Android Market for a worthy game but couldn't find one because they're all ports from iOS? Don't blame him for a lack of releases for your platform of choice.
They like to do things for their first run of games, but they've never done it this big before.
Crap ... I hit new thread, so I dunno why it did this as a reply. It made it sound like I was making light of this not being in the Android store ... Sorry, man, seriously - it was supposed to be a stand alone comment :( hope the Android Market gets it soon.
Ok, I just played two levels at work - I can see why Fahey likes it. The music is infectious and the constant leveling up and earning of rewards is addictive.
Ha! I just dropped some money in my iPad account to get Ghost Stories, so I can afford this! Sounds like one worth checking out.
That's not true, that's a bit of misinformation that is spread to try to give legitimacy to the scene — unless, the ROM is being backed up another cartridge, which is what you have the license for. Unlike many things, software is a code that runs - you never own that code, you purchase a license to use it in a…
"Unfortunately for Nintendo, the only other console that dropped in price so quickly after launch without any competition utilizing similar cuts was Nintendo's last eye-popping experiment, the Virtual Boy."
No, it's not ... What you're suggesting is that it's not ok to put men and women together. That's just messed up all around.
I love my iPad for card and board games - it's been freaking amazing! Ghost Stories just came out this week, too - which is a great co-op board game. Hard, though ...
Yes, and that is called pirating and it's illegal. I, personally, wouldn't post my illicit activities publicly.
I read it again. It still makes no sense.
No, Nintendo doesn't think it's worth $250 NOW ... Over time, the cost/value of tech decreases. Again the OP Is correct, the people who bought it felt like $250 was the right price. The people who buy it now feel that $170, the people that buy it when it drops to $99 one day will feel then.
So ... Because a game didn't come out this week, you're going to sell it - when if you wait a month, you'll get 20 FREE virtual console games.
I find that 3D adds quite a bit to the immersion I feel when playing my 3DS, actually. Furthermore, it is WAY more powerful than the DSi by far ... play DOA at 60 FPS and you'll see what I mean.
I think Nintendo is making a course correction at exactly the right time. While it's clear that sales are way below expectations, they're correcting the price and getting out their core games before Christmas - furthermore, it's right when school gets back in ... Which is when game sales pick back up.
Nintendo has a company policy to never sell hardware at a loss, so we know that whatever price they sell it at, it's making profit per unit - but, that's only smart. They are a business, after all.