I haven't wanted a Mario game for quite awhile, but I'm actually looking forward to this. Maybe it's the tanuki suit. Def want Mario Kart ... And with Devil Survivor, Harvest Moon, and others coming up, I'm going to be loaded with games.
I haven't wanted a Mario game for quite awhile, but I'm actually looking forward to this. Maybe it's the tanuki suit. Def want Mario Kart ... And with Devil Survivor, Harvest Moon, and others coming up, I'm going to be loaded with games.
I think it's more of a reaction to the Vita being priced lower than they expected. They get most of their profits from games, so with the huge games coming out, they need to move some systems quick. Also, I bet the price per screen has come down a lot.
I believe the 20 free games are for those that buy before the price drop.
I bought it day one, and these complainers are annoying the hell out of me. Tech prices always drop ... And they're giving us 20 games for buying early? Geez ... People will start complaining about free money next.
That's ludicrous ... All technology goes through price drops. The only person you should be mad at is yourself for acting so silly in public. You made the determination when you bought it whether it was worth the value or not; if now you regret that, it's your own fault.
I bought the 3DS when it came out at full price ... I've loved the thing! It's a sweet little system, and at this new price point, I highly recommend getting it if it's something you've been considering! I think that's a great value!
You skipped one — this is the 4th game of the series. Red Faction: Guerrilla was the 3rd and sold over 1 million units and received very good reviews. This one was the mediocre one.
Terrible analogy — people choose to be in the KKK or to attend a black pride meeting — they do not get to choose if they are black, Hispanic, male, or female.
Loved it, so did my gf and nephew ... Furthermore, it had a Cinescore of A, which is higher than any other comic movie released this year (it measures how people leaving the theater view the movie). So, while you are not alone, you may be in the minority of those that have seen it.
I was kind of curious about these miserable, shivering models he spoke of during that chilly, wet E3. Here's the video I found of the event.
Do you mean Stephen Colbert?
My girlfriends daughter will be all over this. Kinectimals actually wasn't a bad adventure game. If the proper sequel has just a bit more depth, it could be a legitimately good game.
Looks nice — seems to be more enemy variety, which was one of the little things I didn't like about Oblivion.
Can't wait for the big box of Catherine goodness to arrive Tuesday! Also getting From Dust this week!
Exactly ... the same way they used to prevent problems by stopping black people from riding the bus or going into a restaurant. It's the same thing — it's called an excuse. In one case, it's racism, in the other it's misogyny - in either case, it's wrong.
Is anyone surprised? The blame the victim mentality when it comes to women is pervasive. Basically, what's being said is, women might be treated poorly here, so they just need to go away. You can spin however you want, but women are being punished for a-hole men, and that's just wrong no matter how you try to gloss it…
And? You're point? Two completely different game, programmed in completely different ways, with different net code. You can't compare the wo ... I mean, you could, but that would be stupid.
I wouldn't be so sure about that Niitsuma wanted Nova in, and if he knows Nova, he knows Rocket since their both from the cosmic side. Actually, I have an awesome Japanese Nova statue :)
I'd like to add that CNN and other outlets report that he was rushed by some immediately and everyone that did so was killed.
I hope you're willing to say the same things about Islam and Muslims ... Because, this is the exact same thing. A right-wing extremist against multiculturalism using his faith as a basis for the attack ... If you aren't willing to say the same, then you're simply a hypocrite.