
When you're spread out on an island, charging someone equals death. Almost every case where someone was successful "charged" happened under one of two circumstances - the weapon jammed/person had trouble reloading, or they were in a confined space like an office.

I think that, via game lore, she is preserved from some of the effects of aging like her father was — I'd have to double check that, though.

Kotobukiya makes some nice figures. I have several, including a Nova figure — soon to be featured in UMvC3 :D

It may be listed at $50, but it's been selling for $37.49 for the 360 on Amazon ever since it went on preorder. Def worth it at that price, imho.

It's more than halfway enjoyable, it's legitimately fun. If you're a Cap fan, you'll love it ... It does him justice.

Why are you using the royal "we?"

I'm liking the game quite a bit, actually ... I was a little worried with a few of the reviews, but I found them to be way to harsh. Yes, it's a shameless rip-off of Arkham, but the combat is fun and I'm enjoying the story. Furthermore, Chris Evans actually seems to care about his voice over, unlike so many other

I like it - I was literally playing it minutes ago. They really work a lot of the Captain America villains into it very organically. It plays well, too. Yeah, it's a poor man's Arkham, but it's still fun. The combat it enjoyable, and it seems like the hidden stuff isn't that hidden ... meaning you can actually find it.

I'll tell you how it's entitlement — because you got fair value out of the original game. There was tons of content, and if you didn't think there was fair value in it, you wouldn't have bought it - period.

Actually, I'm happy to say, you're completely wrong - ever since it came out, they've been planning another, but they hadn't really settled on a plan. They repeated those intentions time and time again, including just a few weeks ago:

The fact is, development now is much different than when MvC2 was made ... They stripped sprites from a dozen games to put it together. That isn't how it works now - furthermore, it looks as if all the characters have new moves, there is new net code, 8 new backgrounds - it's just not feasible as DLC to an existing

You why are the doing it besides making more money? Lol I honestly believe there has been some significant change to the net code that probably wouldn't work as just a patch, otherwise they'd just sell the characters as DLC and release a new package like they just did with SFIV

Listen, if you're unhappy, vote with your wallet and don't buy it ... Me, I'm getting it day one. See, I get to vote with mine, too. However, screaming and whining about it just goes to show the whole entitlement nature of the current generation. I want it now, I want it free, I want it my way, blah, blah, blah ...

I like the New Warriors :p in the new cosmic stuff, they made Darkhawk pretty badass, actually. He'd be great for the game.

I understand what you're saying ... But, 12 characters is a lot - and it's a budget price! Then again, as a Nova fan, I'd buy it at full price lol

He's in Guardians of the Galaxy, if you have any way of reading the issues, do ... Fantastically written and drawn, furthermore Rocket was hilarious - he's actually a tactical genius and a specialist with heavy arms (the bigger the gun, the better) - he's got a partner that is a giant walking tree that screams Groot!

Omg NOVA! My favorite character since I was a wee lad ... If this is some cruel hoax, I'll have a huge breakdown. He and Rocket are AWESOME additions ... Although, Rocket better be able to call in Groot.

As a side note, Richard Garfield has a new board game out that is kind of like a king of the hill with giant monsters - it's a lot of fun! [boardgamegeek.com]

Maybe if it was Elena and Chloe, but ... guy figures? Nah ...

I may be one of the few, but I'm just not interested in this ... give me a Star Wars RPG where I don't have to deal with other people, then I'll be happy; Give me a new Star Wars Battlefront where I'm ok dealing with people ... because it's just a shooter ... but, this? Meh.