Once again, nothing to do with libel ... It has to do with trademark. Read my post more closely. You understand that libel is printed defamation, correct? Libel has nothing to do with IP ownership.
Once again, nothing to do with libel ... It has to do with trademark. Read my post more closely. You understand that libel is printed defamation, correct? Libel has nothing to do with IP ownership.
You can't libel a thing ... Only a person. Posting an opinion about someone isn't libel either, you have to present it as fact. Furthermore, libel against a public figure has a VERY high standard, it's very hard to win. So, in other words, there is no libel here. Trademark is their only possibility - however,…
Sadly, there has been no ruling that privacy is a right at all ... Court cases have been mixed.
Why? Simply because you don't want it, I'm not supposed to? That's pretty narrow minded of you — I know people that have actually played the game, and they thought it was relatively good. It's $37.49 on Amazon — I'll be able to sell it for $20 when I'm done, so it's a $17.49 investment — definitely worth that.
... you know that DBZ Kai is the same as the original, just edited to remove the non-manga material. Kai actually works quite a bit better than the original DBZ, since all the padding is pulled out.
Probably getting Bastion and Captain America this week.
Yeah, that's what you call BS ... They don't want to compete with the new one, period. There are a bunch of free to play MMOs that were once pay to play and are now free and viable. They should really just be honest about it ...
The only thing believable about Taki is that I believe gravity would force her into a face plant with that chest ... It would be humanly impossible for her to do any of her ninja skills with those things attached. That's being said, I prefer Taki ... But, your argument fails at "believable."
You clearly didn't play Mirror's Edge because, while it was in 3D, you couldn't choose your path any more than in the 2D one ... Sorry, I think the iPad one was fantastic, and a lot of other people do as well. You're welcome to your opinion, but that doesn't discount the fact a lot of people think differently.
Yeah, why don't you give me a paper cut and pour lemon juice in it while you're at it.
Mirror's Edge on the iPad was great.
Have you actually played the game? It's actually pretty nice looking.
I loved it ... Can't wait for my collectors edition with all the cool stuff to arrive! Personally, I like some depth to my games. Well, for those that don't there's alway Pew Pew Pew - about a thousand generic shooters.
That's just ... stupid.
I apologize, I inserted revenue when I meant profit. You can see the math he uses in the article. Unfortunately, I can't go back to edit it at this point ... But, thanks for pointing that out.
Well, we have Earth Defense Force for that ... And it just came out.
People seem down on zombies, so, how about Hollywood Vampires? Not the sparkly kind, either ...
Great article on why the Netflix move is a big mistake from The Atlantic:
Your math is off a bit. According to the Atlantic, if Netflix loses 50% of it's mail business, it could lose over 90% of it's revenue.
Netflix made the mistake of going with short term contracts, actually. Regardless, I don't need to point fingers at anyone. I just need to cancel my service. It's really the best way. Hulu is going to see a large increase in business which will make them a more worthy competitor, which in turn will help keep all…