Yeah, definitely ditching Netflix. Might go with Hulu. My gf prefers access to recent TV, anyway.
Yeah, definitely ditching Netflix. Might go with Hulu. My gf prefers access to recent TV, anyway.
Unless he gets more than one Bluray at a time, then it heads over $20 ... The emails from Netflix told you what you would pay if you didn't change anything. I know. I got one.
Actually, there are quite a few analysts that believe they WILL lose enough to care. My current sub with them is $12 ... I'm definitely dropping one part of it, so at minimum that will be a $4 loss, but I expect I'll drop it all and possibly go with another service.
Ugh they just don't get why people are upset ... It's not simply that it went to a FPS, it's that it tossed out the entire story and mythology of the original ... So it shares zero with the source, but is just using the name to make a buck. Fine, it's their IP, but fans also have a right to be upset. They should have…
Wow ... you mean that because the NEA has done this, Roger Ebert is no longer allowed to have an opinion?
It's just another way the US is falling behind all the other industrialized countries in the world ... A completely free market will utterly knock us out of competition with the rest of the planet. Broadband needs to be a regulated utility, period ... If we are going to be an information based society, it's vital that…
Hoda is 46, Kathie Lee is 57, is 53 ... you need to take this in account when hearing their advice. They're all two decades beyond the people they're giving advice to — it's useless. A good number of women in their 20s and 30s think gaming is cool — and they'd rather have their guys gaming with friends online than out…
What I don't understand is that this is basically the crash mode — but they sucked the life out of it with the perspective change. Why not just leave it the way it was — you could still implement Kinect controls or whatever. I just don't understand the thoughts behind doing it this way ...
That says something about RTS console games, doesn't it?
I also don't believe it's limited to the pyromancer - I just posted this, but I'll share it again. It's from another site, but I think it's an accurate description.
I think that is wrong, this is the description I've seen online:
If you do it to someone, it opens your world to have it done to you - I wouldn't call it a blemish quite yet. Have you read about the infection system in this game? It's part of that ...
It's more complex than was presented here. The grave lord is part of the whole infection mechanism of the game, when you do it to someone, it opens your world to the same thing.
There are some things missing from this description, I believe ... Yes, you can do this and infect another users world, but by doing so you open your own world to infection. It's a more complex system than is presented in this post.
That's a good idea. Let's just pretend history never happened. That allows to be shocked when things happen again.
Dude, umm, I wasn't replying to the original post ... Look at the reference.
I was pretty clear on why it's vital. Furthermore, the used market helps keep IPs in circulation building a market for sequels. I don't think you understand how little retailers make on new games. You can't run a business on that model - the only one that works is if there is a way to subsidize their income.
People seem to be hating on used games, but they're vital to the health of the industry. I generally buy all new games - however, this is subsidized heavily by selling or trading games in. Consider the car market if there were no trade ins, well - it would crash, too. However, used cars aren't all that bad for the…
You've never actually played the Kinect for any length of time, have you? Anyway, Child of Eden and Dance Central obliterate your argument. Add to that the fact that there are several other very fun games, and it just makes you sound like a kvetching old man.
Wait, what? An item that allows you to play in a smaller space is a reason to wait? That makes no sense ...