
My Mother-in-Law acted like I was whipping out a dildo and going to town whenever I nursed, it was so fucking awful. My husband tried to repeatedly talk to her, she said she just wasn’t comfortable since she didn’t nurse her kids and could I just not understand HOW THAT MADE HER FEEL??

Before or after you’ve murdered everyone at the party for their insipid bougieness

I’m sorry - you clearly missed that he is an artist. He will not be bothered by such details. Oh, and there’s a government agency with a confusing website so LOL, no child support.

“Have you lost your mind?” Amy asked. “What do you even know about this man who would become her father?”

OK, the system sucks and taking away your driver’s license is destructive to your earning potential and unhelpful. But, like - if your kids lived with you full time, you’d have to find a way to make it work. As the mothers of those kids already do. Stop thinking of child support as something you will pay when you can,

Raising children is inexplicitly hard. Imagine how hard it must be to have all these burdens AND have your children live with you full-time as a single parent. I’d love to read an article by your ex to hear about her trials as a single mother raising 3 children on one income, how she manages childcare issues, making

This is a wonderfully written piece with a rather glaring error: you don’t owe your kids money, you owe it to the women who relied on their own income to clothe, house, and educate the children you love.

I appreciate hearing a different perspective on a child-support case. I admit it was hard to dig up any sympathy for this particular situation, though—this is a non-custodial parent who lives in a place that he describes as not great for his barely-paid profession. If I read correctly, he also doesn’t live near in

Same... while I have sympathy for what he’s going though, I was real interested to read the comments on this piece. Living the life of a starving artist is an okay choice to make if it’s just affecting you, but in this case? And affecting your kids for so long?? At what point are you damaging your kids to fulfill a

Yup, raising kids is very expensive and very hard.

No I saw that too but that’s like two things. You telling me the ONLY non-writing jobs he could get was UPS or pot farming? If true, then fine I guess. But that’s not what he says. He doesn’t say he’s been sending out 50 resumes a week to regular jobs and can’t get hired. He just mentions writing and these two random

Seriously, fuck this dude. I don’t give a fuuuuuccccckkkk how hard it is in your industry. Does that mean your kids won’t need to eat until you get your shit together?

I’m probably being a huge asshole but I have trouble understanding how the non-custodial parents not paying child support are the victims here.

What'd I'd like to know is how the mothers of your children were keeping it together all this time.

Get a real fucking job. Better yet, get two! You have the time because your kids don’t live with you!. You are a grown ass man, and the fact that you call yourself a writer does not excuse you from being responsible for the lives you created.

Yeah- all of these except the bathroom intrusion were a “deal with your kid by talking about it” thing, NOT a “contact other adults and complain” thing.

Ross Geller of the hip hop world.

I left this in a new thread, but it really belongs here:

Will they make me one that reflects this awful statement, mid-coitus: “I’m sorry. I can’t do this anymore. It’s not fair to my future wife and I know you aren’t her.” ??

“See, the thing is that if we stay together I have a feeling that it’ll end with me saying ‘I do’...when they swear me in to testify about your missing body.”