Jayne Allyson

The next resignation letter will just be Remember To Drink Your Olvaltine.

I have a TON of criticism on HRC as a candidate

She would have been ripped apart if she’d responded to him, from Hannity to Haberman. It would have been evidence of her terrible temperament, unfitness for office, hidden wasting disease, sociopathy, etc. etc. She couldn’t win, there was no good choice.

One of the closest primaries in decades? Based off of what? She beat him by 12 points and 3.5 million votes. He had no path to victory sometime around February, and anyone who knows anything about elections knew for months that Bernie was running an utterly hopeless campaign. The only reason he stayed in was because

She won by 3 million. Right (technically 3.5, but who’s counting). There’s no way to argue that wasn’t a huge victory. She crushed him by 12 points and hundreds of pledged delegates (not counting the superdelegates that were never going to flip to a candidate who was losing by millions of real votes). The only reason

That’s a bit of stretch. Bitcoin is for all criminal activity, not just Russian criminal activity.

I know, that’s why I chose them 🇨🇺

Do you know any adults?

The bigger the moronic asshole, the more of an “outsider” they will be perceived as.


You do realize that Russia has invaded half of Ukraine, and the war is still ongoing, right? Considering all that happened in the past 4-5 years or so, Russia’s tweet about their “common history” that should “unite our nations” is nothing short of disgusting.

Say what you like about these various statues, but an art war is a far more enjoyable thing to witness than endless internet fights.

i used to complain that twitter was ruining humanity but i really didn’t literally think it was going to ruin humanity

So I guess I’ll bring it up here since I didn’t get an answer when I asked about things on the first article. The lawsuit brings up that the couple was humiliated, but the lawsuit is being filed on behalf of her daughter. Her daughter, a minor, is alleged to have been filmed and questioned by people that were part of

Oh, STFU you fucking concern troll wanker crybaby.

“What if Commander Riker were a 90s tv mom?”

As someone who has worked at an indie theater, I can help you understand. Only the largest corporate theaters have the necessary equipment to accommodate such a large group. Well, I imagine they might in LA, NYC or Chicago. But smaller chains and independents don’t. My theater never had the equipment because it was

[Tim Tebow hits a home run]

Back in my day, golf consisted of veiled racist slurs and horrible sock choices. What has happened to this once proud sport!?

What kind of bored, nosy, meddlesome asshole is incensed enough by this to actually call in?