Jayne Allyson

Also, here’s the NCAA recently: “It seems that some officials have been interpreting the crown of the helmet to mean the tip-top portion of the helmet only. We want everyone to understand that the crown of the helmet starts from the area above the facemask to the dome of the helmet.” It seems to me this hit

That is why it would stop overnight. The games would be canceled.

This comment has been deleted. It was dumb. But Kinja wouldn’t let me delete it, so this message will have to suffice.

Not the weed we need, but the weed we fuck do we still have doritos?

Only 90%? I don’t like those odds.

Meanwhile Florida legislators are actively trying to remove bans on guns in airports....makes sense

Really well, five people were killed handily!

I mean, there’s nothing in the rulebook saying a dog can’t play basketball.

Yeah, if anything these responses show that people just don’t vote with their brain, they vote with their feels. People “feel” that Hillary is corrupt ; people “feel” that Turmp is going to “Make America Great Again”; people “feel” that both sides are equally as bad.

Hmmm, I wasn’t insulting her. I like her, I just don’t think that all of the people who TOTALLY wanted to vote for her in 2016 actually will if she does run.

The Bills went full Jets. Never go full Jets.

In a nutshell, you’re saying these dumb Indians don’t even know that they’re not “Seminoles.” You should go down there an educate them. Maybe start an Indian school or something of the like.  

I’m just glad the game ended with a no call for offsides on FSU (it was really close on replay) on Michigan’s final snap.

You obnoxious sacks of shit are just never going to stop whining about Bernie Sanders, huh?

Enough with the fucking tweet storms. If you have something lengthy to write, put it in a blog post or a Facebook post. Tweet storms are the vertical video of the written word.

That was fun to watch. I have literally no dogs in the AFC West fight, but I kind of love using a gimmick play to pour salt in a division rival’s wounds. Especially in a game that had playoff implications, at least at the onset.

Fat man in red spreads cheer on this xmas day

Contrary to popular belief, Grown adults != babies.

Shouting people get kicked off flights all the time.