It’s almost like capitalism isn’t obliged to be ethical in any way, but just to make money for shareholders and owners.
It’s almost like capitalism isn’t obliged to be ethical in any way, but just to make money for shareholders and owners.
I’ve been WAITING for y’all to get to this story.
No one is defending what he said. But if a person can’t make a sincere apology and effort to make things right and do things better moving forward, what’s the point of anything? We all fuck up and the hope is we learn from those mistakes.
You genuinely have no fucking clue how memory works, so stop spouting bullshit privilege claims.
I don’t think that’s what he’s saying, I think he’s talking about the powerlessness that comes from not having the receipts. I thought that his statement was honest and genuinely believable. Comments sections everywhere are filled with people snarling about “open secrets,” but it’s not a simple dynamic with simple…
Heck, I remember reading one woman’s experience confronting her bully and her bully was like, “Well, sure, and you weren’t a very nice person either.” It was shocking to her that basically she was considered a bully as well.
I’m in my late 30s and I had an incident in high school right before prom with a guy who seriously bullied me. I have vivid memories of standing in the hallway of my school crying while he told me that no one liked me, and that everyone was upset that I’d chosen to sit at their table at prom (we got to pick from a…
One of my worst childhood bullies is on Facebook being super crusadey for #metoo, BLM, supporting HRC last year, etc. I don’t think she has any idea what she put me through and I have no idea if it’s worth me ever saying anything. She was also very very funny and would accuse me of not being able to take the jokes,…
It’s used by women too. Speaking from personal experience. Two, to be exact. Maybe the only two in the world though?
So now if I say “Looseseals” was super mean to me, it’s totes fine as long as I believe it to be true? Do you see what I mean? I don’t remember shit that happened ten weeks ago and she remembers word for word a conversation she had a decade ago with a guy who is friends with her then (current?) boyfriend and because…
Nobody remembers when they did something insensitive, because it didn’t impact them the same way it did the other person.
Do people...actually *do* the ching chong ching chong thing? Like, really, they do that, to people they’ve just been introduced to? And they do it often enough that they forget that they did it? AND no one turns around and says “WHAT THE FUCK, DAVE, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?”
Yah, but if he doesn’t remember he doesn’t remember. In the eyes of the torch and pitchfork bearing public, failing to mention that is an admission of guilt. Also, Karate is Japanese.
That is a stretch.
I think what he said was pretty fair. “I don’t remember” seemed like an honest statement especially when he followed it up with “I am not calling you a liar.”
There is no way in hell Skeet Ulrich can have dinner with the most famous woman in the local Applebee’s, much less the most famous woman on the planet.
Yes! One of my favorite things in the world is surprising kids by treating them like adults! Like, I love doing formal introductions, first names only, with hand shakes. They take it so seriously, the responsibility of acting like and adult, and I’m happy to include kids as part of my community. Kids are cool when…
He should have started screaming: The EVIL!!! IT BURNS!!!!
I mean, I tell the kids in my class all the time that the thing to do when you accidentally hurt someone is to apologize and ask them how they feel. This might be his first run in with the realization that adults aren’t held to the same standards we hold children to.
Absolutely not. I will eat my hat if this kid isn’t on the spectrum - this is my nephew top to bottom. He got smacked, and when you do that, you say you’re sorry. Rules are a big deal. Things like political power and social situations don’t register much. He wasn’t being a brat, he was doing what his mama taught him…