
I mean, that success WILL matter, but remember that this game has been in development for a long time, so we will see more devs/publishers put out SP games in the next 2-4 years that are a response to things like BG3, then one will tank, and some MP title will be huge and you’ll see games responding to that, etc., etc.

Okay, so this such an inane comparison on so many levels that I don’t even really know where to start.

could’ve just quoted him $69,420 then

If you can’t get the corporate ruling you want from freakin’ Delaware, your corporation is the problem.  

Awww. pwooor guy...let me cue the sad trombone while I serenade you with the world’s smallest violin....

“Looks Like the servers are already back up....should’ve posted this hours ago if you were looking for a slam dunk.”

Looks like the servers are already back up lol, the point stands but as you posted this article people are on, maybe should’ve posted this hours ago if you were looking for a slam dunk.

I have no sympathy here. If you’re stupid enough to give a company 30 dollars for less than a handful of days, you’re already fleecing yourself, might as well have the company fleece you too with subpar service.

I hope these people continue to fail, because blaming anyone but themselves for that trash they put out and the resulting dumpster fire that ensued is insane.

Executives need to justify their pay by making arbitrary decisions!

No matter how much you stan for him, Elon is never going to notice you.

I’m not sure what any author’s personal politics have to do with this particular controversy.  Hugo voters nominated certain works and people, and the award admins removed them for no explained reason.  Might it have been about politics those people had regarding China?  It’s a reasonable hypothesis, but your comment

You’re not moving in with the authors, but reading a novel is a bigger investment of time and mental energy than picking something at random off Netflix. I’ve always been very curious about the political views of the novelists I read, because books don’t get written in a vacuum, and they don’t get read in one either.

You get that this is an article about HP getting sued, right? The other companies aren’t the ones getting sued.

Seems like the way around this would be to have a bunch of guns that support different playstyles/builds, like they mentioned, and then also provide a system for upgrading your guns.  That way yes, you might get the perfect weapon immediately (though you probably wouldn’t know it), but you’d also have to work to keep

Yeah, the idea that trailers giving away the plot is only a recent thing is a bizarre bit of nostalgia-bating. I remember people back in the 90s saying, basically word for word, “Why do trailers always give away all the good stuff and the full plot these days?” Just like kids not realizing their parents told the exact

when crooks are realizing they kidnapped “a fucking vampire... a ballerina vampire.”

As tired of superhero stories as people may be, it’s really goddamn cool that they can be used for stuff like this.

Fortnite allows Zack to have one game installed. Inside that game, because of its nature, there are tons of different games he can play depending on his mood. If he wants to play a racing game tonight...he can jump into Fortnite and do just that. Wants to play something minecraftish? He can jump into Fortnite and do

Wow, Squenix is just on the wrong side of literally every issue aren’t they