
Beyond the people in the room, yes. The morning after, reddit and facebook were falling over themselves to praise him for showing those Hollywood bigwigs what’s what. Heck, Tom Hanks’ grimace was the thumbnail for the very popular youtube clip of the monologue.

The best part is always when they say “The network will never put that one on the air.” Except you just heard the joke, so clearly they did.

If you want an unmitigated tragedy, there’s always ‘Secret Invasion’.

I feel sorry for people who don't want more Haley Atwell.

I foresee piracy numbers continuing to go up

And yet some people still think that physical media is on the way out?  Oh, how I would LOVE it if the subscription model crashes and burns so spectacularly that local video rental stores make a return.

He makes movies that are fun to watch, and that’s it.

He makes movies that are fun to watch, and that’s it.

It’s more like “Holy shit, this Whopper I ordered has wilted lettuce, old cheese, and I’m pretty sure this isn’t even beef.”

but sometimes you have to accept that your favorite video game is dead and the watered-down version of it being used as a vehicle for a predatory digital storefront probably isn’t ever going to make it feel like it’s back.

I put hundreds of hours into the original Overwatch. I loved that game. I stopped playing around the time all the bad stuff started coming out a couple of years ago. But also part of it was how the game was essentially in a holding pattern with all resources going into the sequel. I was always going to come back for

What successful companies? Tesla has completely squandered their head-start in the EV market, doesn’t have anything new, has quality-control issues, faces multiple lawsuits for discrimination in the workplace, and is now under investigation for Autopilot and Full Self Drive. SpaceX keeps blowing up their newest

To add to this:

“So now I, as a mom, get to deal with telling my toddlers we can’t watch Disney+ while in our Tesla and deal with their upset feelings because 2 grown men can’t have a civil discussion and move on.”

I have never once cheated

I’m asking for a second chance, because I will never do anything like this again, and I never have in the past.

First off: It takes a LOT of balls to complain about the “perpetually online middle class with nothing better to do.” when you post as many whiney posts as you do.

Wizards and Hasbro made the catastrophic mistake of putting profits margins and growth ahead of customer engagement and satisfaction. In short, they sold the company’s future for a quick bump in investor portfolios in the present. But being that these companies are run by a bunch of fools, they didn’t realize the bill

And yet, the approach here is to just keep tweeting through it, which is downright stupid. When you’re making a product choice like this in bad faith, it’s worse PR to keep on trying to come up with justifications for it rather than just ignoring the criticism and implementing it. 

God, that trailer looks too ugly and stupid, even for a Snyder film. His transition to Uwe Bay is complete.