
Lori thought she could reduce crime by cuddling up to the Po when them is the motherfuckers responsible for that shit in the first place. Bye, Lori

You probably could figure out how to make a slideshow out of it!

They will be provided 60 days severance, though that won’t cover the length of many people’s contracts, sources said

Don’t be lazy - posting some pics of the different kinds of anchors would make this article way better.  You probably could figure out how to make a slideshow out of it!

Wait, dude why are you talking on Fox News? no no no no no no

It’s not a "gotcha" when a developer gives a predictable answer, or fails to give a real answer. 

Unfortunately, Genshin is a game that prioritizes its story/characterizations over gameplay, so your interest in it will fade over time as you become closer to recognize the repetitive loop and lack of challenge/endgame. But yes, it is a gacha that is “F2P friendly” to an extent, and relies on typical peer-pressure

The Gamestops that are still open around here tend to operate in places that Walmart/Target/Best Buy do not; in strip malls or regional indoor malls in lower income areas.

Honestly it’s a health and safety issue before all of that. Even putting aside issues like bathroom breaks and stuff, if a store only has one person and that individual has some sort of medical incident, a second person would need to be there to take appropriate action like call an ambulance. Relying on shoppers to do

IMO the first two Arkham games are some of the best action games out there, and rank as my favorites. Arkham Origins was an excellent game, marred with the glitches that were never fixed (the worst for me was on PC, where the opening fight with Killer Croc was hampered by the screen disappearing except for the HUD).

Single staffing a retail store is dangerous and stupid. Especially when that single employee is there for nearly 12 hours. Good for her. Your life is worth more than a pittance from a company that doesn’t care about you in the slightest.

Rowling has explicitly stated that she considers support for the HP franchise to be support for her and, by extension, for her transphobia. Given that Star Wars is now firmly in Disney’s hands and has been in the hands of many other people, it would be harder for Lucas to lay claim to the franchise in the same way.

Imagine making the movie “Real Steel” and saying “Nah this super hero crap is beneath me”

If Cardi were still drugging and robbing men, yes, that would be worth a mention. 

hmmm, interesting comparison, although I think that George Lucas explicitly selling the franchise to Disney (he still gets royalties??) could hypothetically softer the impact a lot more. It would amount to Disney doing some damage control, and further emphasizing how separate GL is from SW, I think.

Just read the article dummy, it’s not clickbaity at all and is a thoughtful exploration of the issue

as if anybody has to jump through your hoops to have an opinion

I mean look either they say that and get guff form you or they *don’t* say it and some other person or persons complain about how they are mentioning Lily without bringing up her anti-vax statements. You could, you know, just let it go.

Bizarre take, because there’s nothing wrong with being a prostitute

Yeah well, that’s also how the stock market works. The only thing that moves a stock price is people buying and selling it, and what influences that is heavily manipulated. The only thing this WSB nonsense has really done is reveal all the supposed “market intelligence” for the smokescreen it was.