
I’ve been a pretty big Destiny player forever. I’m looking forward to most of these changes. But I have to wonder about the accessibility and approachability of one of my favorite games when a list of “big changes” is composed almost entirely of stuff that is utterly meaningless to anyone looking into the game for the

I like to assume that you at least get the number of fingers right?

As an artist, I can relate to having trouble drawing fingers. They’re weird.

Konami fumbling the PES series into an early grave has to be one of worst own goals in history. They would totally have been swimming in money by now. Probably would have got Silent Hills too, maybe?!

I hope the fans don’t latch on to Sophie as the one to blame, especially if she’s just been professional about the music the whole time.

What I’m bothered most by all of this hate and policing streamers and calls for boycotts is all of these people are so happy to jump on forums, TikTok, etc. and announce that they don’t support the game and anyone who does is a bigot.”

So that’s the part of the discourse that bothers you, and not the transphobia? Some

I see you haven’t been to Florida...

Jeez. Between this and the non-Black founder of the PGM Voice Over list trying to sic a Twitter mob against two prominent and respected Black voice actors simply because they had the gall to politely but sternly disagree with HIS assertion of how THEY should be represented, this has not been a good first week to Black

The Genshin Impact fandom being toxic? How unexpected.

To be fair, the original Bungie / Activision contract showed that from the beginning Destiny was always going to be a series with distinct releases every few years.

There’s not a shadow of a doubt in my mind that, even if Forspoken had turned out to be a really solid game all the way through, it’d have been completely brigaded by the GamerGate crowd literally just because black woman.

To be fair that could also describe Alice Cooper, who seems like a perfectly nice guy off stage. Too many people assumed the same about Warner, and were catastrophically wrong.

To be fair, she’s tremendously talented, and he’s Zachary Levi.

he’s jew-ish

Changes his name from Pugh to Levi to get roles...then watches Florence Pugh get an Academy award nomination and star in Marvel projects. 

This hurts to read, I was classified into remission for the 2nd time of my life just a week ago. Reading someone who lost their war with it hurts, my 2nd battle with it was .. close.. to put mildly. Statistically I know it’ll probably win the war against me eventually.. but I’m kinda hoping I get taken out by anything

GNU Annie Wersching.

Fuck cancer.

Let the system deal with them.

The system doesn’t care; it has Black people to harass.

Counter: what if you’re leading a team of five people and everyone is amazing. This policy forces you to pick one of them as the “worst”, and suddenly that person’s financial and employment situation takes a direct hit.