
I’m sure his lawyers also told him not to buy Twitter.

You mean doxxing like posting someone’s picture and license plate to social media?

He casually libelled this Sweeney kid, opening himself up for another lawsuit (which I totally hope happens.) Also, his own lawsuit is a total SLAPP affair which will hopefully get summarily tossed out of court.

How convenient that right after Twitter backtracked their efforts to remove Elonjets’ visibility, there was a “stalker” after him. What are the odds, despite all the information Musk provided-that-totally-isn’t-doxxing, no one ever finds this person because Musk paid for it to happen?

AI art being inevitable doesn’t mean they way it’s integrated in our life/work can’t be done better. It CAN be changed, it just that this (your?) exact mindset leads to shying away from the responsibilities...

These artists posted art before AI art became a thing, so they did not exactly expect their work to be

AI art is here and it isn’t going away.

AIs don’t “take inspiration” from ANYTHING. That’s the difference. You’re humanizing an algorithm. They literally steal the characteristics of an artist’s style and then overlay it onto other styles like a fucking connect-the-dots to reproduce something *unique* but as much as mathematically possible in-the-style-of

why is it only seemingly visual artists getting hot and bothered by this stuff?

Go differently, perhaps. But AI art has been influenced and even propped up by the same people shilling for NFTs; the same ones all for stealing art and calling it their own for different means. One thing they have in common is the absolute disdain, antipathy, and envy towards people who have a passion for drawing,

Funny, I remember a year ago hearing the exact same thing about NFTs.

This is the Epic way. Feign interest for the users/consumers while in reality working for the interests of corporate. 

I just don’t get how a website exists only for artists, fucks artists over then wonders why the artists got mad? YOU HAD ONE JOB, LOOK AFTER THE ARTISTS!

Jesus christ, this is the easiest thing in the world to not fuck up and it feels like every company is hell-bent on making the worst possible decisions in any given moment.

Of course she’s getting sympathy.  She’s a white woman.  He’s not white, hence he deserves the scorn.  /s

What the techno-utopians who comment on articles like this fail to realize is that they’re considering AI art generators as a neutral tool that has somehow materialized out of thin air. Considered in isolation, it is a promising instrument - but the reality is that such technology is developed and wielded by

That is, of course, straight out of the Trump playbook: 1) create a problem, through negligence or malice or both; 2) provide a half-assed and insufficient solution to the problem; 3) publicly congratulate yourself for having solved that problem.

I mean, if “provides gender affirming care to trans children in consultation with a doctor” is sufficient evidence of abuse to take people’s children from them and throw them in jail, Cruz probably deserves the death penalty for this.

Artist who makes their living with their own art

It sounds like it would’ve been a loading page, which can be a large illustration and the time it takes depends on the artist. She said it would’ve taken her weeks which means that the $3k flat fee falls well below her hourly rate and I get turning it down because of that.

I’m assuming Epic has its own department for

“With the budget given, it doesn’t feel ethical to take this project,” they tweeted. “The time it would take for a WFH assignment from such a high earning game where I can’t even sell prints would barely leave me with a living wage.”