
i walked into one today, and the employee running the store had to put a sign on the door that he will close for 30minutes to get lunch.... Gamestop has him alone, in December... what a scummy place.

Well, she seems nice, in a rabid badger kind of way. Actually, rabid, racist badger. Yeah, a real sweetheart.

Some of the context might be lost for people who aren’t particularly plugged into the Melee community.

That is, if you ignore the last 20 years. No tournament every run before the Panda Cup has ever been licensed by Nintendo. It has always been a mutual understanding that ‘we do our stuff and you do yours’. In fact, if you read the initial statement by SWT, it states that they had been in talks since April with

It only comes across that way if you think they are lying and not Nintendo.

An ugly Mexican standoff if I’ve ever seen one, except one where we don’t know if Nintendo is holding a gun to PG’s head, or placing it in their holster.

They literally list the evidence in the Twitlonger and multiple TOs from different organizations have since corroborated it. 

This is incorrect. Nintendo explicitly assured the SWT team over the course of twelve months that the circuit was something Nintendo actively supported. They only pulled the plug on it literally days before the final tournament. So no, it is not expectable or average for Nintendo to do this simply because the company

simply because something is not ‘for me’ doesn’t mean that i cannot review it lmao. i enjoy quite a lot of YA fantasy series, and this failed on multiple levels. sorry you’re not impressed, but i don’t really write to impress you specifically. thanks for the comment!

If people are less willing to forgive Will Smith for an open-handed slap than they are to forgive Woody Allen for sexually assaulting his own daughter or Chris Brown for beating the shit out of Rhianna because they saw the slap and didn’t see those other things, those people deserve to be made fun of.  (Also, my

Even so, it is an unnecessary thing to do, taking the option away from the player to store as many as they want and trade them in when they want to, and bad planning on their part. They could do so much with having multiple copies of a card. Special days where you get 2x trade credits, daily offers of “If you give us

Yes, of course you’re limited to having four in a battle deck. However, I’m also aware that The Pokemon Company doesn’t come over to my house and remove any further duplicates from my bulk should I exceed that in cardboard form.

“I didn’t turn it down. They just wouldn’t give it to me.”

“You can’t tell me what to do!”

If you are not African American I hope you are checking your implicit bias at the door.

and now he wants to get into bed with an openly bigoted transphobic conspiracy theorist who pals around with people who love to see queer nightclubs get shot up

says the guy, who got rich and famous hosting a comedy show.

Maybe money and fame is worth a “grind” to you. But it isn’t to most people, and maybe Trevor is beginning to think it wasn't worth it. 

They just see an (R) by his name and go, “Okay.”

I’ll take the bait too and say who gives a shit what Martin Scorsese thinks of superhero movies anyway?