
But the idea that corporations have a responsibility to maximize profits on a quarter by quarter basis, even at the risk of long term growth, mistreating workers, or otherwise ignoring the consequences of their actions, is a relatively new one. It is also not enshrined in law, despite what some will tell you.

A corporation is beholder to it’s shareholders. It exists solely to generate profit to pay them off. It is not ethical or moral, but that’s why corporations were given certain rights usually reserverd for persons, so that actual humans could be divorced from the decisions and consequences and profits could be

I’ll pull a line from the first Avengers movie that summarizes this pretty well.

Of the 16 movies to hit $100 million in the US so far this year, only 4 have been from the House of Mouse (the three MCU films and Lightyear), so I get where you’re coming from with the perception of their massive reach but other studios have been getting viewers as well, away from Steamroller Willie. The lack of

The real question is how is Kyle Rittenhouse still walking around free when he literally killed people at a protest. 

They might not have superpowers, but they now have bullet proof jackets...for some reason. It’s a little silly seeing two people right next to eachother shooting and hiding their faces behind a sleeve...

Eh I’ll still be there opening night

Hi tech body armor. exotic polymers woven into the suits. You still feel it but it stops penetration. thats why he hold his arm up to cover his head with the sleave. and his aim is like playing CoD on easy. 

Kind of looks like one of those things where the other guys are trying to prevent Wick from making his dawn appointment.

Pistols at dawn, eh? Got to respect the classics. 

He’s all about the physical intimidation; it’s hard to yell at someone and fire them for trivial reasons over email.

He’s been pretty adamantly opposed to work from home from the start so I’d be surprised if he backtracked on this one, even if it meant losing a bunch of people. That said it’s an idiotic mandate for someone who thinks he’s the man of the future. I sort of understand wanting certain days where everyone is in the same

Twitter is so big that circling the drain will take time, but literally everything he’s doing will decrease engagement (and thereby revenue) on the platform in a way that finally snaking its way down that pipe is inevitable.

“I don’t think the Americans should be moral arbiters for the rest of the world.”

I mean if you create a fantasy world devoid of black people that says a lot about you and your world view. 

A message to the public: If you see this fugitive, no you didn’t.

While working on an assembly line ain't great fun, it beats the shit outta working in a fast food restaurant any day. Anyone who takes a job at Mickey-Ds over putting cars together has lost their damn minds. 

I’ve been playing some games on Easy difficulty lately, otherwise I would never play them because there’s enough games I don’t have the time for something that takes a lot to get through.

Do you really not know how the internet works after all these years?

It was a shitty work around on Adobe’s part, though. There’s nothing preventing them from auto-converting to the hex value. They did this to be inconvenient on purpose the same way when there’s a tv network dispute with a carrier they put up the screen like this:

Most people that will check out of Twitter over Musk are small-time.  But, they are the “consumers”, and as their numbers drop, you’ll hear the influencers howl.