
This adult is finding it far from “aggressively mediocre.” Aside from maybe WandaVision, this show by far exceeds any of the other MCU shows in showing realistic human emotion an interaction that comes across as genuine. 

The somehow even more fucked up part about all of this... anti-abortion assholes are saying “You didn’t read the whole story, she was able to go to Indiana”. Like somehow having to cross state lines to get something she could have got locally last week is NBD and that things are still normal.

Like many words in the english language, it has 2 meanings:

If not for sensitivity, then for character variation. Why not use all options, including darker skintones when designing characters, when designing a character? It’s right there and available? It’s so weird to opt to have all/most characters have lighter skin colors.

... also hoping for more body types at some point

It’s an accepted risk purely on the studio. The actor had to do all the same amount of work, and they are union, no fucking around with getting paid.

First, I’d definitely want to combat the idea that this is an education issue.

I know a lot of folks who work in QV who do have a college education (and sometimes even degrees in game dev).

Second, I mean I agree that people should do the best they can to take care of themselves but I think a lot of people are

EA, like many other companies in the industry, also relies heavily upon contract labor for QV positions so likely that isn’t even figuring into things?

And yeah, QV pay is shockingly low. And not in a “well, they’re hiring in areas with a lower cost of living” way. QV pay is shockingly, horrifyingly low across the

Working class is fucked right now.

“An MIT study estimated a “living wage” for the Austin, Texas area to be $17.46 for someone living alone,”

You’re absolutely right. Viewing one person as a person immediately diminishes all other injustices in the world. Truly, justice and goodness are part of a zero sum game.


It remains legal in California to practice law after “reading law” - completing an apprenticeship under a practicing lawyer for a certain time under certain conditions. That’s what she is currently doing.

You should be alarmed at having such an emotional reaction to a tv personality 

I don’t know. It’s weird now. He always had pervy comedy, but he presented himself as a helpless, hapless underdog while he was doing it. Now we know he was a very powerful and well-respected comedian whose disapproval could ruin careers, so that pierces that veil and his creepy jokes just become ... creepy.

You’re asking the wrong question.

There’s no answer to that question. Some people will forgive CK, or at least be willing to give him money. Others won’t. He might have a successful career again or he might not. It’s not as if he’s entitled to one.

He's done nothing to indicate that his attitude, views, or behavior have changed. An apology without genuine repentance isn't worth the paper it's printed on. 

He’s making fun of Ted Seranos’ quote about Gervais and Chapelle

I would have imagined Netflix falling over themselves to pay several million dollars for exclusive rights to this.

That’s one theory. The other theory is that making 172 hours of television a year for 20 years is stressful and isolating from average life. Plus when you’re a cash cow, few people will call you on your descent into jerkdom until it’s too late. So even if the nice and kind was genuine in the beginning, unless you’re a