
No, but, you see, he made Rise of Skywalker, which means everything he has ever done before and will do in the future are automatically the Worst of the Worst of the Worst, even if Abrams isn't even involved beyond a vanity credit.

From what we can tell, Bungie has an absurdly generous contract with Sony in order to maintain its autonomy and full self publishing rights. They likely also have a buyback clause to go independent again on a moment’s notice if Sony pulls anything, based on their history with Microsoft and Activision. Their contract,

I mean, I think you’re missing the point that they can (and most likely will) codify that independence as part of the acquisition agreement. Bungie was not in dire need to be acquired and based on how much Sony is paying for them, it certainly seems like they had a fair amount of leverage in the overall negotiations.

Everything is canon, the question is is everything in the “sacred timeline” Like the Rami spider-man movies are now canon, but still didn’t happen in the main universe.

Genshin regularly gives out free primos for downtime, delays, and bug fixes. I’m sure most people expect there to be a few given out as an apology, as per usual.

It’s a running gag that the adorable annoying mascot character Paimon is emergency food.

AAA is fucking useless. They would’ve taken so long that he would’ve lost patience and started walking anyway,

So no. You cannot even write a single paragraph as to why axie infinity is fun.

Found the kool aid drinker.

> Digital colonialism

Nah I can whine, especially after they told me they’d cover the cost outright. 

She’s smart and knows what she’s doing. She’s shown to be capable of gaming our tax system to increase her wealth and even her “missteps” on Twitch have provided nothing but publicity.

It always struck me as weird that in moments like this where someone is accused of harming someone else, their first response when they want to get back in public good graces is to talk about their own growth. Like, good for you, but the issue wasn’t that you needed to go to rehab or therapy to deal with grief or

Putting a backpack in a cabinet isn’t illegal either, but I can’t help but notice that a brown woman lost her job and faces felony charges for that. I think the certainly rhetorical question you're responding to is probably pointing out the absurdity of what they are investigating and what they aren’t.

Wait, she is a non-white, not-wealthy, hourly subcontracted worker? What was the LAPD supposed to do with her - treat her with dignity?

It isn’t uncommon to have EXTREMELY low levels of admin staffing during campus breaks. If there are no students in the building to utilize the lost & found desk for two weeks the school certainly isn’t going to pay to staff it.

I’m guessing you missed the part about Spring Break. The campus was probably closed for 5 days.

Given that the article says that this occurred during spring break, it’s quite possible no one was there.  Hell, she might have been off for the 5 days herself over spring break.

It often used to be a thing in tv shows where the pilot would be lush, expensive, and well produced, while the second episode would just clumsily restate the pilot for anyone who missed it. But with the structuring of show production nowadays, and the greater focus on long-form arcs, I don’t think it’s the case any

It’s just simply not worth it. We see how it ended in this instance, and we’ve now seen multiple instances of people pulling guns. It’s just not worth it. It’s to the point where if I see two people aggressively driving and clearly antagonizing one another, I get as far away as I can for fear of gunfire erupting.