
I agree with Mackie’s larger point that fans should stop trying to read queer subtext into every close male relationship in film. People have been doing the shipping thing for a long time now in fandom circles, and it’s really not great. When there’s this push to say “oh, Frodo and Sam are definitely gay,” it degrades

But white women aren’t being made fun of just because they’re white- what’s being made fun of is white feminism and the lack of critical though around race by those who have the luxury to not have to think about race because they are white. It is not stereotyping to point this out, it’s just a fact. In particular,

Haven’t accomplished a damn thing in our lives? I once did that thing where you put a pile of coins on your elbow and swing your hand down to catch them, and I’m pretty sure I got, like, 75% of those coins. A lot clattered under the couch, but still. Checkmate. 

Tesla is running into a problem that they can’t necessarily control, and that’s the ceiling of available technology relative to the various regulations they have to (and should) follow.

A lot of the innovation was due to the technology either not being available, researched, or scalable, with the expectation that once

And yet Elon will never notice you.

I’ve never seen The Good Place

I wonder if this is because of Miura. It’ll be one silver lining with his death if it convinces creators - or more importantly publishers, who can enforce it - to take a fuckin’ break every now and then.

This redemption tour proves she hasn’t grown. She just wants back in the spotlight.  

Now playing

If I had to guess, I’d say because the sneakerhead sub-culture is a billion dollar industry...the rarer, the better and if these get pulled before reaching production, they’re likely to become just that, possibly making them a collector item holy grail.

I mean, that’s sort of what comic books are as a general rule right? You can partake in elements if you want, but it rewards being fully invested.

You are ignoring the racial diversity of the countries these games are being made in not being represented in the games. So therefore they are “forcing” a lack of diversity by your argument.

Everyone knows that it’s technically more difficult to animate non-white non-cis women character models. Programmers have just recently cracked the code for animating female models. Just wait 5-10 more years, the technology just isn’t there yet!

I appreciate the mention of how Karli and Sharon were underserved by the series’ 6-hour movie feel. One of the virtues that television has over film is that it’s easier to stop for a moment and dedicate time to supporting members of the ensemble without sacrificing the greater story arc of the leads, but Falcon and

I would’ve slapped it to the bottom of an Amazon delivery truck  or even better yet a semi that was from out of state. 

Seriously. I think a lot of people want to be supportive of him and recognize change needs to happen, but he comes off so poorly.

Whoever made that video is full of shit. Klee is the bomb.

I'm sorry, but what you just said was published in the Ringu hentai. You'll have to accompany us to the station.

“I’ve looked into the accusations against me, and it turns out I did nothing wrong.”

If someone gets drunk and robs a liquor store but “didn’t mean it” when they sober up, they still robbed a liquor store. They still get arrested. They still go to jail.

Or they sat with their lawyers and did a risk assessment of admitting sexual misconduct vs. the potential for future lawsuits and decided that it would be ultimately more profitable to not find wrongdoing + institute a bunch of future practices meant to protect the CEO and other executives.