
Considering how long it took for 3.0 to get released in America, I could probably pirate this one, serve my prison sentence, and still get out before the English version releases here.

Why do you feel the need to defend their decision so much? I can tell you without hesitation that at the peak of a pandemic, people’s lives matter more than anything Capcom is having these people work on. I worked insane hours in the ER during the peak of the pandemic and trust me risking someone getting COVID and

“A hit dog will holler”.

What’s hilarious to me is how righties got their tighty whities in a bunch over this and Dr. Seuss like they’re both the same.

I’m not exactly sure what his play was here.

He’s never going to work in Hollywood again.

damn, the last time i heard the name Gootenks he was offering street fighter training after the end of excellent adventures....i assumed he was a streamer somewhere due to my failure to keep up with FGC folk, this sucks tho. like damn how did he fall so low?

Ray Fisher may have gravely over estimated the public appetite for Cyborg and/or Ray Fisher.

I knew a lot more about Cyborg the character than Ray Fisher the person/actor.

Exactly,... scouring the files of a computer left by a customer and sending it off to a box of crazy like Rudy means that this guy deserves what he gets.

When you think about it, you really have to go out of your way to access a password protected inbox. Not saying it’s impossible just saying why was he so curious that he hacked the laptop and it’s contents, rather than just wiping it, and reselling it.

That’s always been my problem with PC gaming in general. The box says “PC Game” but if I buy the game, and you buy the game, even though we both have “PCs” and both bought the same game, only one of us is going to have an experience even remotely similar to what was advertised. It’s why I generally prefer to play on

Reporters need to stop putting out cop versions of shootings until the public can see body cam video.

It's not your money and she can do whatever she would like with it. Mind your own business and don't be an asshole. Oh noes she wants to spend it on her kids? 

If you ever wondered whether Live Service really is a poisoned term in gaming or is it really just us hardcore players that hate that stuff i.e. surely it means nothing to the general public, then I cant help but think this is a good example.

These are the same people that said Tomb Raider and Hitman selling 3mil+ copies each were failures.

Lots of people licking the boot and deciding it tastes great down here. They’re not going to “lose their IP” because somebody is playing their 19 year old game online dummies. Slippi is entirely new code on top of emulated software, which in itself isn’t illegal. They know a grassroots melee event doesn’t have the

Lmfao. Just because Reagan's presidency didn't negatively effect you doesn't change the fact that he's probably the worst, most disgraceful president we've ever had

This wasn’t a review, and the shit that Reagan did during his administration was abominable, and that’s just how he dealt with the AIDS crisis alone. Beyond that, his bass-ackwards economic polices, proven not to work and since been deemed a failure by the fucking architect of the policy are still somehow considered

“people who can’t control their emotions”