
Nothing permanent will happen. Twitch has had a “too big to fail” policy for as long as it’s been around.

Frankly if other countries treated white Americans like America treats people of color (take your pick from Native Americans all the way to Middle Eastern immigrants), global warming might be reversed from all the cold white tears.

CBP isn’t qualified to assess this sort of stuff. It’s a notoriously abusive agency with a toxic internal culture full of people who failed to get into better positions or chose this position because of their pre-existing ideology and prejudices.

Cops are probably gonna be a whole lot less excited about this surveillance footage when it fills in the missing time when their body cams were “accidentally” shut off.

Funny how when you punch down, you attract other people with a history of punching down.

I’m not loving it myself, it’s going to take me a while to get used to the new hair and leggings, and I really liked the red stitching on the previous suit, but respect Melissa and the show for going for a costume that she feels comfortable in.

I’m going to focus on one part of the story: the current mindset that it’s not rude at all to just whip out a smartphone whenever you feel like it.

Ironic because people have criticized Lee for decades for downplaying and stealing the spotlight from other creators like Jack Kirby who didn’t profit nearly to the extent that he did from their fruitful partnerships. I do think Lee had a genuine affection for his creations and comics in general and he wasn’t solely

This is literally blood money. No other way to put it. 

Not only that, but killed to enforce a law that every bodega ignores despite their sign claiming they don’t sell loose cigarettes.

The lengths that people will go to to show that they hate us is incredible. I ain’t got shit else to say.

So only people in China should vocally oppose strident Chinese nationalism? What a very convenient position.

She posted; she didn’t have to.  She suffers the consequences. So don’t post sensitive material without thinking of the possible consequences. She can’t undo things now.  But now knowing her background, her life of Communist Party privilege, and her American passport, well, kind of ironic...

she has a movie coming out, she did not really have the option to say nothing.

She could have also just said nothing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Please don't stream video on a coffeeshop wifi :(

That’s really not what temp agencies do. 

NXT sure was nice while it lasted!

Says someone who’s never pressed it!

Says someone who’s never pressed it!

“Usually, I run around threatening and screaming at everyone, because I have a gun in my pocket and it gives me the courage I don’t naturally possess. But this day, this man stood up to me. Well, that really scared me, so instead of backing away from his family that I was just threatening, I whipped out my courage and