
Except that this happened in multiple counties, and it was the county officials that blew the whistle when Kobach’s office published “official” numbers that didn’t match the numbers those counties reported.

“Let me fuck with these Black folks for no reason .”

It’s a bar that serves food. I live in KC and this is policy there.”

Exactly. And his whole “oh you’re gonna be here all night” bullshit? Motherfucker, if she wants to stay until last call that is her goddamned right because she has cash in hand and you are open for business. 

The question is: Is the policy uniformly enforced for all patrons? If it’s only applied to...certain people...that’s a problem.

People need to stop eating there.

I got my kid one of these things for college. It’s worth it.

Atlantis is like an oceanic Wakanda.

I’m really getting sick and tired of this “racial sensitivity course” crap.

That doesnt get the point across either, because the city pays it (or rather, the city’s insurance company pays it) and the police officers involved dont see a dime of that money taken from them. And the courts nearly never remove their qualified immunity, so you can’t sue the officers individually. It’s almost desig

Clayton is a city of 16,000 people, yet six squad cars were taken up to escort falsely accused dine and dashers back to IHOP? I guess Clayton is so crime-free it can afford to devote a hell of a lot of resources to racism.

“You want Young Justice, but not our shitty gridmark Titans? Well, tough! In for a penny in for a pound. Of course you should just find the bootlegs online. But you don’t have the balls for that, do ya, Fanboy!?!”

Honestly, it had the opposite problem of the Marvel shows*: slow boring start, but a really strong finish.

Union rules vary state to state, it’s no surprise Florida’s stagehands aren’t unionized while New York’s are. Florida has been “right to work” since the 1940s.

Maybe it’s just getting older or not enough time (kids, work, hobbies) but i’m sick and tired of chasing technology at this point. ALMOST NOTHING (tech wise) you buy these days will last or be usable more than a few years. Companies drop their products and support like a bad fruit in your fruit basket.

Pretty perplexing that Apple doesn’t think they can make a meaningful contribution anymore. I mean, they obviously won’t, as evidenced by this line sitting stagnant for like 6 years. But surely they could, I mean, they already had the expertise so all it would have taken would have been updating the radios and keeping

A large employer engaging in unlawful employment standards or violating labour law, colour me shocked.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: He stood up for principal. That is not "falling on your sword for nothing", he stood up for what he felt was right.