Jay Mucci

It seems like there are so many episodes in Season 3 that have interesting premises but are just simply not executed as well as they could have been. It's like they take a half way decent idea and don't spend enough time working it all out so that it's believable. Or they take the idea in a direction that does it no

Scotty sure turns into a lovesick schoolboy whenever a pretty woman is around

Sounds delicious!

I agree that Gem was a bad character. The actress was bad and it looked like she was performing mime. Why did she even have to be mute? That just made it worse, like you were watching a silent film from the 1920s. The acting between her and Shatner was hammy. The episode was just very mediocre.

"Spock's Brain" is just beyond ridiculous. What could have been an interesting, if preposterous, idea, turns into a completely ridiculous 50 minutes of TV. Never mind the silly plot, there are so many things wrong about this episode. How did these people know about Spock and why HIS brain? Yes, he's incredibly smart,

Wesley Crusher was a precocious, annoying little twerp.

I don't know why but I actually found The Paradise Syndrome slightly moving. Maybe it was seeing Kirk happy, even if it was all slightly ridiculous. And I actually felt bad that his wife died at the end. Again, ridiculous, but just the fact that Kirk married her and she was pregnant with his baby… that was definitely

Am I a bad person to wish that someone would push Wesley out the main door to float in space forever?? What a twerpy little loser.

It's not that Assignment: Earth was such a horrible episode so much as it involved very little of Kirk, Spock, etc…. and I had a hard time following along… I couldn't figure out exactly what this guy was supposed to be doing, or what he was trying to stop… and whether he was a good guy or not. It wasn't until the very

The Omega Glory might have made slightly more sense if it had been suggested that Cpt. Tracey brought the American flag and constitution down to the planet with him. Otherwise, how and when did they get those things? They were supposed to have made that flag and written their constitution themselves… which just

It's goofy and ridiculous… but to me that's what makes it funny.

I thought A Piece of the Action was hilarious. Definitely the funniest episode I've watched of Star Trek.

Sherry Jackson was definitely HOTT!!

The only thing I felt a little bit unbelievable was that Walt would show up at the very second that Jesse and those 2 guys were having their standoff. That seems a little too convenient and the kind of thing that would only happen on TV. What are the odds that Walt would show up at the exact place and time that this

Not that I would want to see the show end up some Hollywood "crime doesn't pay in the end" type ending… but I really do NOT want to see Jesse and Walt team up again. I want to see Walt brought down… and by Jesse. It really would NOT make any sense for Jesse to all of a sudden fall for Walt's BS again… and to wish for