I did a double take when I read this:
I did a double take when I read this:
Eh you gotta remember, there was a lot of evidence the Ferguson PD claimed not to have or be aware of after Mike Brown got shot, and that was specifically because the evidence they did have could weed out the false/lying witnesses who came forward afterward. Not that you’re doing this, but I wouldn’t discount this…
What’s the difference between hipster fried chicken and pretentious fried chicken?
This is fucking false. The best three kinds of chicken are popeyes, bojangles, and home fried. I’ve never had restaurant fried chicken better or worth the markup of what I and everyone in my family can whip up with some peanut oil and a well seasoned batter recipe, and I live in the heart of hipster restaurant central…
Out of sheer curiosity, why are you still watching Browns games this year?
Chill with the Klinsmann criticism. Americans need to stop watching and writing about USMNT as if they’re a manager or 2 players away from winning the world cup. They are the Houston Astros in the middle of a major farm system overhaul. Klinsmann’s sole prerogative has been to renounce the MLS and Academy system as…
FWIW Brooks was running an offsides trap on Campbell’s goal and actually timed it well. That type of mistake happens in international when you don’t have much time to build rapport with your fellow center back.
Yeah same, being able to upload your own stuff is why I went with it initially. My main gripe now is that you can’t access free mixtapes natively (which you can do on Spotify). By all means tell me if there’s a better way so I don’t have to keep doing this, but for something like Noname’s Telefone I have to go to…
So they’re taking Fournette right?
Funny, I came here to write the opposite. For non-patriots fans, this is exactly what it feels like to be a diehard Pats fan after they lose the Super Bowl. Not only are you crushed by the loss, it feels like the majority of people around you don’t give a shit about your pain. You can’t watch Sportscenter or check…
Thank you
Strengths: recovery speed, tackles in well in run game, consistently gets in position to contest catch.
Agreed. Randy Moss’s 2007 TD catch against the Redskins is one of the most amazing feats of athleticism I’ve ever seen, and but for the two feet inbounds rule it wouldn’t have happened.
How did you even come up with this? The human mind is truly wondrous and depraved.
This type of play is why I’m glad penalties aren’t reviewable. Introducing offsides review into the NHL was a disaster and subjecting every incomplete pass to review from 12 different angles would be just as much of a nightmare. Yeah it was PI, but at full speed it was hard to discern. Give Sherman credit for…
I really liked ASAP Rocky’s last album and he’s had a couple radio hits, but agree 100%. Mac Miller is a better rapper than anyone out of NYC over the last few years
Billy, THANK YOU for explaining Lil B. I’ve always been baffled by his music.
I don’t think any newsworthy tape of the kind described in this article exists. It would have come out already.
The new Pixel phones will start at $650 (or financed for $27/month), which is a huge departure from past Nexus phones.
Don’t listen to these bootlickers. He’s definitely a prick. The guy kicked Darrell Revis’s mom out of the team’s super bowl ring party and goes 3-5 years without talking to guys that he cuts or trades (Seymour, Vrabel, Bledsoe, Milloy) specifically because they see him as having handled the situation like an asshole.…