
Yeah, I definitely can't argue with the logic that she would know since she's working at a company that operates a particle accelerator and advises a man with super speed lol. I just wanted to clarify that knowledge of even basic theoretical physics is not a requirement for a molecular biologist for example. But yes,

True. I was speaking to the idea that just because you're a scientist means that you know details of every field of science. But yes, as someone who works at Star Labs, she should probably know better.

Lmao I'm a PhD student, so I get paid to go to school, not the other way around. Which pretty much invalidates anything you know about how science actually works. Hilarious that a bunch of sci-fi enthusiasts are trying to school me on how science actually works. Physics and biology are 2 different fields! Even if you

Lmaooo as I said, I'm doing biological sciences. Do you think a physicist knows what CRISPR is? Do you??? Even microbiologists don't know what geneticists do. There are many different fields of science. And I know what a black hole is. They just never mentioned the term "singularity" in my intro physics class.

Not true at all. I'm getting my PhD in biological sciences, and I didn't know what a singularity was. I think that's a term used more in sci-fi, than in actual science (don't quote me on that though). Regardless, you only have to take 1-2 semesters of physics to go into biological sciences. They're 2 completely

Loved this episode. My only problem is that if Barry is so willing to tell everyone that he's the Flash, why doesn't he just tell Iris?? The problem with these superhero shows is that they keep the main love interest out of the cool superhero storylines by keeping the girls in the dark, which makes them super boring

Eh still not feeling the Archer Vice reboot yet. Hoping it grows on me

This episode was awful. Idk how much longer I can continue to watch the back and forth over this dumb prophecy. It makes Mary look really silly. I'm also concerned about the long term viability of the show if they're going to follow what happened historically, particularly if they keep burning through plot so