"Batteries wear out. Like, one time I had a cell phone and the battery wore out, and nobody would sell me a new one. How much do batteries cost for this car?" ...Out of the mouths of babes...
"Batteries wear out. Like, one time I had a cell phone and the battery wore out, and nobody would sell me a new one. How much do batteries cost for this car?" ...Out of the mouths of babes...
Is the glass all there and intact? Check. Any major rust to be sorted? Nope. Are all the Jensen-specific fiddly bits present and accounted for? Yessir. This is the very definition of Nice Price.
@LastActionZero: If you've ever been to the town of Sebring, it's a pretty good fit.
@rocor: Maybe a Veyron in black with olive coves... with a red pinstripe delineating the two...
Pretty equivocal there, Serge...
@RacinG73 - no I will not show you my johnson: I think you can get P***y Magnet Yellow paint from Krylon in your local hardware store. Along with replacement screws.
@jaymcminn: ...or would you prefer to go topless?
I really hate it when manufacturers slap the "concept" moniker on a bodykitted, donked version of their latest beigemobile. This is not a concept. Hell, it's barely news. The sedan looks like a minor facelift of the current one and the coupe looks like an RSX that got thrashed with the ugly stick. Way to go, Honda.
Strip all the "concept" BS off of this and you could have a pretty nifty little Juke-fighter.
You can take the whole "unpimp ze auto" thing a little too far.
I have been waiting for this rollout for months (which actually sounds a little pathetic, now that I think about it) and I am not at all disappointed. I want this. Badly. That line at the base of the greenhouse is just impossibly pretty.
Train... they do that "Hey, Soul Sister" song, right? My balls suck right back up into my abdomen every time that thing comes on. Seems like a perfect match for the new, "Americanized" VW.
Can't wait for the Motor Trend Passat-vs-Camry comparison. Color me beige.
@smackela: Everybody put down your pencils. We have a winner.
As is usually the case with pleather, I don't want to see what's underneath there.
You could buy a hell of a nice squareback for that kind of money. Crack pipe.
Sadly, this color was everywhere in the '80's. On a Buick LeSabre, it's appropriate. On a Lotus, it's just wrong. On that interior? Tragic.
The idea of basing the Galibier off of anything as plebian as the A8 is tres gauche, non?