This lead to events such as people being spit on, stairs being shit on and people being murdered
This lead to events such as people being spit on, stairs being shit on and people being murdered
The Village is the worst experience I’ve had in a movie theater. That includes a stranger barely missing my shoes as they vomited all over the floor during Rogue One.
We’re one step closer to a “Tequila & Bonetti” reboot.
I thought it should have been Dax Shepard.
Indeed they did. However, Wikipedia has Aidy Bryant’s birthday as 1987, and McCain’s as ‘84. So, it seems unlikely they knew each other any more than passing each other in the hall.
Why is Jordan Peterson in a Dr. Who costume?
It shouldn’t be a huge surprise that a guy who makes a living learning other people’s thoughts and words is less adept at expressing his own.
Do you think she was labeled as “difficult” because of the era she had her peak? Is it possible if she were born 15-20 years later she’d simply be considered “assertive”. It’s a genuine question, and I may be off base.
So is “Bouncing off the Walls”:
Never forget the obvious: people are fucking stupid.
I saw most of the grunge bands live during their 90’s heydays, and Smashing Pumpkins was the worst. They lapped the field. Corgan taunted the audience constantly, and played the worst feedback-drenched versions of their songs. It was unendurable.
Disappointed it wasn’t this version of “Free”:
Prompting her mother to ask:
Alternatively, if there’s no volume adjustment, taping over the speaker usually works well.
It wasn’t until years later that I realized what a faux pas it was to cast a Scouser as Johnny Rotten. It’s like The Lou Reed Story - Starring Tommy Lee Jones!
I used to like Watchmen. Then I watched the miniseries, and I realized Snyder’s tone for the movie badly missed the point of the original story.