
I gave up on Lost when they started doing flashbacks for “the others”. I had already invested a bunch of time in the main characters, and they started going down this other path? Fuck that noise.

I went to college with 0:17. That’s all I’ve got.

TIL how much I needed The Downward Spiral: The Broadway Musical! in my life.

I hath arrived to fix thine cable box.

It’s not just you. The lighting is terrible.

Another camera-related Macguffin: the cell-phone footage of Aceveda’s rape on season 3 of The Shield. It pops up again in season 4, too.

Lost Highway is hot garbage. I wanted to walk out halfway through, but my wife wouldn’t let me. She insisted it would get better. She apologized afterwards, adding “Patricia Arquette’s tits should have received third billing.”

Term limits gives more power to lobbyists preying on inexperienced congresspeople. What we need is a mandatory retirement age, so we’re not living in a gerontocracy.

I remember walking out after the big “twist” in The Village. I hated it so much, I wished there was a way I could have walked out twice. I want to burn the original print and salt the earth with it.

Almost 24 hours later, and this still hasn’t been fixed. Calling the album coverthe visual equivalent of a shrug” is the height of irony.

No, Rounders.

By the way, there was a multi-night stage adaptation (with David played by Roger Rees) that tried to capture the length and intricacy of the novel. I think that has its own drawbacks.

“Pierre, it’s time to work! Up and ATOM”

I’ll raise my flag

I watched Come and See in the before times. I still had to stop 3 or 4 times for periodic breaks.

He rowed crew with the Winklevoss twins at Harvard. Now I really hate him. 

I’ve seen dozens of horror movies, and Hereditary is the only movie that’s caused a physical reaction within me. Somewhere around the scene where Joan confronts Peter at school, I started feeling a panic attack coming on. Likely due to extreme uncertainty of what was happening.

Anyone else start humming “Genius of Love” when they saw the “restoration”?

My wife loved this crappy show, and I hated with the intensity of a thousand white hot suns. The only remotely entertaining part was watching Joe Mantegna blatantly half-ass his line readings as he obviously slummed for a paycheck. It was as if Michael Caine made Jaws: The Revenge for ten seasons.