
Andy Daly has a great Fred Willard story. They were filming a scene with Lance Bass for Review, and Bass was “ridiculously covered” in corporate logos for the show

Delete me.

Frankly, I fell asleep when I saw Fantastic Four in the cinema. It certainly wasn’t Toby Kebbell’s fault.

Kebbell single-handedly ruined Destroyer. He was not convincing at all as a menacing villain.

I don’t recognize the image under the headline and it’s killing me. I feel like should know it. Is it an MTV commercial? Some VJ I don’t recognize? WHAT THE HELL IS IT?!? Weirdly, GIS says “Images cannot be smaller than 9 by 9 pixels.”

The Writing’s on the Wall is capital-T Terrible. They really should have used Radiohead.

Siri: show me “Irony”.



I mentioned Bettty’s lack of basic human empathy to my daughter. The day after her boyfriend’s murder, (which she is likely a person of interest) she’s in a goddamn diner bitching with her friends about their lame excuses for missing curfew.

Betty’s tossed-off line that “people will say we’re in love” makes awkward reference to Oklahoma!. The Rodgers and Hammerstein allusion feels like a weird fit for both Betty and the show,

I’ve been thinking that maybe POSSIBLY the way this is all undone, is that this murder story is actually Jughead’s Baxter brothers story that he is writing.

The privilege of white sports fans is never more evident than in the destructive celebrations that occur after major wins, which aren’t met with the same police force that hammers down on organized protests addressing long-standing issues plaguing communities of color.

Murder Ballads is just full of creepiness.

Reeve: “Wait, your mother’s name is Martha? That’s my mother’s name!”

Post Malone is Hep C, made sentient.

I’m not a fan of ALW. At all. That said, I don’t understand the amount of vitriol for Cats in any iteration. The musical certainly isn’t my cupcake tea, but the amount of hate for it seems wildly disproportionate for something so resolutely middlebrow.

Kind of like Daniel Tiger from Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood: