+ 1 Shiney McShine
+ 1 Shiney McShine
What the world needs is a live reading by William H. Macy as Skinner and J.K. Simmons as Chalmers.
Mr. Rooney.
A quote that birthed the philosophy that got us here:
The biggest problem with Steppenwolf was the bargain basement CGI made every one of his scenes look like a cut scene from Injustice 3.
Ugh. Even a good review makes this sound fucking unendurable.
Nigel De Jong is confused by your ruling.
Aha, someone else who doesn’t understand the ideal gas law.
Doesn’t it, though?
TBH, neither of those appealed to me either.
Yeah, Killer Mike is a useful idiot for RWNJs.
This tour is going to bomb.
This is my simple plea to you: take in as much of him as possible, while you still can.
Goddamn but do I wish James Comey would shut the fuck up forever.
OT: Leo was capital-T Terrible in The Departed. The only thing that saved him from being the worst thing in it was Jack Nicholson swallowing the scenery whole.
Like this, but real life:
Talk about putting the “fun” in “funeral!”
Senate Democrats caved to their Republican colleagues on the painfully vague promise that next time they would totally figure out this whole immigration thing?
“Haha! Joke’s on you, every action movie now gets the Inception foghorn!”