Jay Maggio

I would really wonder what you thought the "explanation for the mystical elements of the show" was? If it is was that the Losties died in the plane-crash of flight 815 and the whole show was purgatory, you are not correct.

Aidy Bryant, in real life, is super attractive

You're a horrible person

Lost has some of the greatest episodes of TV ever: Walkabout, Dues Ex Machina, The Numbers, 23rd Psalm, Man of Faith Man of Science, Flashes Before Your Eyes, Live Together Die Alone, The Constant, The Shape of Things to Come, Leflaur, Ab Aerterno, most of the season finales. It, like X-Files, Battlestar, and Twin

Yeah, John Oliver is totally a Bolshevik.

Seth Meyers has a political ideology?


Andy and Chris are gone due to Grantland being gone. They sometimes guest on Bill Simmon's new Podcast. I loved Andy and Chris. And Andy was/IS a HUGE Lost fan. Has a great Grantland article why it was most important show of last ten years.

Most the great episodes of Lost had some grand closure at the end. (The Constant, Walkabout, etc).

Yeah, it was my gf's favorite episode of the season and the only one she asked me "not to erase" so she would watch it again. She is no fan-boy and has only watched a bit of Lost. Also, Allan Sepinwall liked the episode. But, it is very LOSTy. I am a Lost fan-boy, so I am in.

Oh, and here is a great Grantland essay on the importance and quality of Lost. It was written about a year ago—when Simmons still controlled Grantlan—and it nails what was great about the show: http://grantland.com/hollyw…

Lost is amazing and it is even better if you watch it while reading AV Club reviews by Myles McNutt, Noel, or Todd. The reviews are really well-written and interesting, and they get at the important, as well as frustrating, aspects of the show.

Ben Linus? Desmond Hume? Anya (Buffy)? And, yeah, Gus Fring!!!

(50% genuine, 50% sarcastic)

Thanks for helping destroy the American middle-class, dude. Have fun reading Hayek and Rand with your gun-toting buddies.

I don't think you can be fired for organizing… of course, the corporation could find a pretense.

The private corporation is the big bad. After Vee being the big bad last season, one could say that OITNB has it out for capitalism and capitalists.

Hurley actually points this out in season 5. He asks Sayid why he is calling him Bentham… And Sayid gives him some BS answer. I think Darlton knew it was kind of BS, so they had Hurley shine and lamp on it and just hope the audience would go for it.

Yep. The drums on that song comment on the lyrics in a perfect way