
Liz Perkins get MVP of the ep for me, goddamn that scene with her Bloody Marys. And the guy playing John Keane definitely has a deftness that’s lacking in a lot of young actors right now. This episode managed to actually confirm a lot that’s been ebbing and flowing through the slow drip of the series without feeling

If you continue to pay $60 annually for this glorified roster/uniform update, it ain’t the game that has a glitch.

I believe that’s called the stanky leg

What does he think the statue of liberty looks like?

The real question is, why was he punting instead of kicking a FG from there? 

Soooo we’re all in agreeance the husband was definitely in there jerking off and not taking a dump, right?

i’m floored. i wasn’t prepared for that many twists 


And we’ve got Camille this week talking about how the women (not the girls) are being completely overlooked. I’d personally put my money on Ashley. But I’ve got no idea, and it has been so hard not to look for spoilers.

Your mom forced you to watch The Exorcist at 9? WTF?

I haven’t seen this one yet, but I just wanted to chime in here and say that in my experience, there’s always been an obnoxious sector of the horror movie-viewing public whose need to go “that’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen, it’s terrible” scales up in direct proportion to how much a given movie terrified them

It’s kind of tragic, because there’s absolutely no question that it’s a great movie. But I’m not surprised at all that is has a terrible CinemaScore—there’s no way more than ten percent of adults can handle it.

Hereditary is all I’ve talked about since I watched it three nights ago. It is, without a doubt in my mind, the single creepiest film I have ever seen. The writing is pitch-perfect, the acting is superb, and the plot is dense and jolting.

Haters gonna hate.

I love Deadspin and I am and will always be Team Deadspin, particularly when it comes to Barstool.

Fuck, that was awful.

No, she was just excited about soccer practice, you know, like a 5 year old. Annoying to an outsider, probably, but common decency means you keep that in your head. When you’re more focused on ‘hot takes’ than decency, you are the pissant.

A: the kid wasn’t being a douche, he was being 5.

B: the host didn’t say “man that kid was being annoying”, he called him “an annoying little piss ant”. Are you a parent? Like, if some asshole called your pre-school aged child“a little fuck” or some variant of that and you shrugged it off as nothing, you’re an

I am the first to admit my 5 year old son can be annoying as fuck. He’s also 5 and probably doesn’t deserve to be insulted — and being called an annoying fuck is, in fact, an insult — by a grown man broadcasting to thousands of people.

Ummm ok? It’s still incredibly inappropriate for someone with no relationship to said child to call them a “pissant” on a regional radio station.