
Point spread was Iowa -11 or -11.5 from what I see, so there’s that

On the one hand, yes, it’s kind of classless to attempt that shot. On the other hand, who fucking cares? Why do sports have to be so sanctimonious all of the time?

He could have walked away. He was in zero danger.

You’re just awful. I don’t see how mentioning someone’s actual given name in this circumstance is a counterpoint to the OP’s assertion that using online handles cheapens the esports scene. At best, commentary that is obtuse and juvenile, and at worst, vaguely racist and incredibly ignorant.

Please tell us how funny black names are...

That’s a horrible counterpoint

Someone really needs to sit down all the professional e-sports players and the people running these tournaments and explain to them that this isn’t professional wrestling and they’re not actors in spandex and makeup and they need to use their real fucking names if they want to be taken seriously already.

Potentially all of them!

Over/under of misinformed “But the 1st Amendment!” tweets from her and her like-minded ilk today has been set at 32.

People like Ronald Gasser don’t buy guns “for protection” or because they are “enthusiasts”. They buy guns so they can use ‘em. Emotional pussies, dying to play Cowboy Hero Army Guy, just hoping for any excuse to shoot someone. Gasser has a history of stirring up shit with other drivers, hoping he gets a chance to

So this guy definitely has connections with the local law enforcement, then, right?

“Watch all of these”

Yes it is called not proofreading before deadspin posts an article. Confusion is strong these days.

but if you could transcribe things properly it would say that “Where I’m from, we unload the clip.” is what Dez said to Norman... which it clearly states in the tweet that you are citing.

Norman went down the “make vague threats of violence” violence path, telling reporters, “Where I’m from, we unload the clip.”

There are lots of hypotheticals unless the refs called a perfect game before that play.

I dunno, it seems like a good lesson for these kids in Life Isn’t Fucking Fair.

My buddy Kyle, his dad was a judge, and we were playing touch football in the street when we were six or seven, maybe ten, and my other friend Mike was quarterback and he was like “Go deep, way deep” and Kyle ran for, I dunno, had to be seven or eight seconds, just forever,and I was covering him and by then we were

Why not just have your punter go out there and then punt the ball out of bounds? Or just have your punter run around for 4 seconds and go down. That is dumb ass coaching.

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.