
Valid counterpoint. I’ve been chuggin’ all kinds of Honolulu Blue Kool-Aide (as is off season tradition) and I’ve convinced myself that being forced to spread it around the field as opposed to blindly hurlin’ to Megatron will make him more effective.

“There are zero athletes from >30 years ago who would be able to cut it in the pros today.”

somehow this is the dumbest, least likely take of all

the 2005 Chicago White Sox are one of the 10 best baseball teams of all time

I believe Derek Jeter’s running catch and leap into the stands vs the Red Sox was totally overrated and not that great

I believe LeBron James completely gave up in that Game 6 loss against the Celtics.

“So to make that point about how important winning was, I abandoned my team and got suspended for five games. To show how much I care. About competing. And winning. By not playing.”

Shut the fuck up and take the mound for your trash team, kid.

I find this to be a simplistic view. He bought the bulls one year after Jordan was drafted. There was no guarantee at that point he would become the best player ever. They were coming off a 38-44 season. The team still had a lot of building to do around him and did not win a championship for another six years. Yes, he

Oh hell no. On throwback day you wear the throwback, you don’t act like a spoiled little brat. Chrissy acted like a spoiled little brat and he needs to learn to behave like the employee he is. Notice he doesn’t have the corner office. Will the team still be playing after his arm blows out? Yes. They aren’t the Chrissy

How mature. Grow the fuck up, pal, you get paid a shitload of money TO PLAY A GAME, money most people will never even come closer to earning in the course of an entire life, but instead of calming and rationally discussing whatever issue you have, you resort to petty vandalism.

Given that Tom Perez is under investigation, and my personal choice, Julian Castro, was recently accused of violating the Hatch Act, who did that leave her with? Elizabeth Warren? We need her in the Senate, and even if we didn’t, her replacement would be chosen by a Republican. Ditto Corey Booker.

The fuck did the Bears do to you?

Thanks for the warning. I was about to check the account out in hopes they shared my enthusiasm for squirtguns.

While it’s hard to feel bad for a guy who’s been paid nine figures for a few years of playing basketball, the Heat have definitely done him dirty. But it’s entirely their prerogative to do so, which is why it’s hard to begrudge any athlete for taking a max payday when it comes along. Hard to see any team giving him

I don’t think this is what Dad had in mind when he said “you gots to have a fall guy”, Duron.

It’s because we’re all socialists up here. Both teams have to be on the left side of the field.

Counterpoint: she is wrong regardless of who Tippi Gordon is rooting for

This reminds me of the Jordan/Malone finals of ‘98. “MVP? Good for you. Now watch the GOAT take over.”