She’s asking herself that same question at this very moment.
Met Jay on our way to the race last week, had a small chitchat about his gears. A really chill guy taking his job very seriously, surprised to see his work published here. Way to go man!
GM also had Acadian in Canada, which was kind of a cross between Chevy and Pontiac.
Tesla: “Autopilot is not a self-driving technology, it’s your fault if you die”
Pretty much. It’s like watching a couple argue at a restaurant from a few tables away.
So an unwitting driver rammed his erect trailer full of rapeseed into a bridge...
The only way Apple’s products are killing anyone is if they use Apple maps AND Tesla Autopilot, at the same time.
They sure do. Drivers disconnect them because they’re annoying.
Likely now Mr. Unemployed.
Given the state of some of Quebec’s infrastructure my money would have been on the truck
Are any of these switchable subscriptions taking into account user settings and configurations?
When I had a luxury car that spent much of its time at the dealership service department—causing me to need to drive a different loaner every week—reconfiguring each car got really old really fast.
“The reason why we went with the upper tier, especially the ‘M’ tier, is we think we can [l]earn an awful lot more with that clientele,”
Great. Now I can’t un-see Lego lightsabre.
Its not a clock its actually a mutual fund tracker that tells you your percentage of long term gains for the fiscal year. It also has a mode that displays what % of earner you are in america. that mode should only go to about 2% at the poorest however
Fuuuuuuuuk no.