It can, actually, in some states. Lots of states, primarily rural ones, allow ORVs to go on public roads with minimal modifications. You can’t take them on the interstate, but local streets are fine.
It can, actually, in some states. Lots of states, primarily rural ones, allow ORVs to go on public roads with minimal modifications. You can’t take them on the interstate, but local streets are fine.
Neither you, nor your friend, understand a single fucking thing about statistics
Front end was contained and yet the back still went for the nearest grouping of bystanders
They employ students to swipe other students in, sure. They don’t employ students to don hairnets and braise 200 chicken thighs.
I don’t consider asking for a living wage outrageous.
$35,000 a year seems like a lot to ask to you? You have a weird definition of “a lot.”
If he doesn’t want to get hit in the head, maybe he shouldn’t wear a helmet. He’s just asking for it when he’s dressed like that.
You do realize you are critiquing the technique of a bunt in a parody video??
“The act also prohibits municipalities in North Carolina from enacting anti-discrimination policies,[14] setting a local minimum wage, regulating child labor, or making certain regulations for city workers. The legislation also removes the statutory and common-law private right of action to enforce state…
Funny how no one who went to Harvard ever talks about their alma mater
Fitzpatrick played quarterback at Harvard. It’s rarely mentioned when talking about him, just thought you’d like to know.
That’s what diversity looks like: People who are excellent at their job, and aren’t all from the same predictable background.
When reached by Kotaku, the Ford dealership said they didn’t know what we were talking about.
Does it really matter? Credible or not I think it helps to publicize this sort of stuff — both to expose this ugliness and to push sites like Twitter to improve their harassment policies.
Because RPM has little to do with fuel usage compared to other factors. It factors into the BSFC chart, but load is far far more important. I can rev my engine to redline in neutral and use much less fuel than full throttle, lugging my engine at idle.
Great place to keep a baby, especially with the drain plug.
Calm down, guy. Not everyone can afford the privilege of driving an affordable hot hatch.
Wait, how many GTIs have you driven consecutively again? I forgot.
Al Horford added that his team “wouldn’t do anything like that,”