
I have no idea who this is or what words she's trying to say and at this point I'm too afraid to ask

I just realized that his very discussion means she lives through Ep 8. SPOILERS!

I'm only angry with the "all-female" version of the movie because they brand it as a novelty with an "ALL-FEMALE CAST, FOLKS! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!"

The Flash: snatching missiles out of the air but for some reason can't slap the guns out of the hands of two guys, or at the very least, knock them down from behind.

This is going to be one of those reports and/or opinion pieces that is reporting on the controversy it itself is suggesting and inventing, isn't it?

Can't we all just forget these troubles with chocolate cake for breakfast???

Great, another episode that could have been resolved in 5 minutes if people conversed like adults instead of behaving like petulant children. This one was infuriating. I can forgive the Dunphy story line because Claire asked direct questions and was denied, but I'm sick of Gloria always reacting (loudly) to problems

As much as I love this show, I had a hard time with the episode. The kids cause Bob to back into traffic, Linda is a loudmouth antagonist, then Bob risks his family's life to cut off the truck instead of hitting the breaks and slipping in behind to safely avoid the plow … and all the blame is on Gary somehow. It's