
I’m right in the demographic who might harbor some nostalgia for this car. I had  a ‘77, a ‘78 and an ‘82 Celica. They were pretty bombproof, too. Each one went 200K before going off to new homes. Which is pretty remarkable for cars of that era. But no way is that nostalgia worth $10k.. Maybe worth $4500 on good day.

I’d pay good money to see Stevie Wonder drive the pace car while getting directions barked to him by a crazy Irish rally co-pilot. WHAT THA FOOK STEVEH. EYE TOLLED YE FOURTY DEAD AHEED AND THEN A THIRRTY RIGHT. THANK FOOK YOU WARNT GOIN MORE THAN THIRTY OTHERWISE WED BE FOOKED!

“I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Meh, Cup Driver.

My recurring answer to your recurring question:

C-Ville is more central than western virginia and it is a very liberal college town. I’ve lived in Virginia for 20 years and never seen a cross burning. You need to update your sterotypes.

Being an adult without a drivers license just baffles me. Not getting one must only be a thing in large cities with ample public transportation where the traffic is a nightmare.

Shoot him in the leg? Have you ever shot a handgun? There is a reason you dont shoot to wound. You dont use less than deadly force to combat a deadly threat. Deadly force is the quickest way to end the threat. If you are going to shoot, you shoot to kill, or you admit that by not trying to kill the person that it

“The neighbor could have shot him a few times in the leg.”

You have obviously never actually shot a gun at anything. 

Check Massad Ayoob’s column in National Rifleman in a month or two, that’s typically where they call out people who save lives with guns. They regularly call out POC heroes, assuming those POC heroes use guns.

yup sprint race

fuck really?... im sorry about that... figured it’d be free for all

Knowing protests against motorsport, and the nature of them, the majority of those protesters are probably not from Belle Isle.

Enjoy your ham.

You mean the outright LIES that Canadian Bacon is “bacon”?! It’s smoked disks of ham. Get that garbage off my plate and bring me real bacon.

That isn’t a hearse, it’s actually an old school ambulance.

But i thought Canada was a polite utopia where everything was amazing and it smells like maple syrup all the time?


Yeah, they never existed before Jan 20 2017, in fact, there was no crime ever committed before Trump......